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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 16, 1994 <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Johnston - to approve the Impounding Agreement with the St. Croix <br />Animal Shelter, Inc. and the City of Lake Elmo effective September 1, 1994. (Motion <br />passed 5-0). <br />6. PLANNING/LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Martin Colon "Appeal to the Board of Adjustment and Appeals" <br />Attorney Filla indicated the application submitted by Martin F. Colon does not clearly <br />state what request is being made. Do they want a comprehensive plan amendment, a <br />zoning district change, and which comprehensive plan will it come under, the 1979 or <br />1990 plan. <br />Attorney Donald Niles, representing Martin Colon the owner of the property, stated they <br />are not asking the city to waive whatever the position they may take with respect to its <br />legal position to which version of the comp plan may apply to this application. What <br />they are requesting is that the application be processed on the merits without forcing <br />Mr. Colon to waive his legal position that Judge Doyscher's 1991 order may have some <br />bearing on his application. <br />According to Mr. Niles, Mr. Colon's legal position is that the July 1991 order entitles <br />him to consideration of his development plan under the 1979 Comp Plan, The prior <br />application was withdrawn when it became apparent to Mr. Colon that further <br />processing and voting on that application entailed a complete waiver of any rights he <br />may have had in respect to that litigation and that order. <br />Attorney Filla explained the proposal that was withdrawn by Mr. Colon before the PZ <br />was his choice and not the city's. It was an application that asked for submittal of his <br />proposal to be reviewed under the 1990 comp plan. When it appeared to him that the <br />city was going to proceed, he withdrew the application. <br />Councilman Mottaz indicated he had a problem with people referring to the 1979 comp <br />plan 1980, 1991 comp. plan because the state statute states that a city has one <br />comprehensive plan. It doesn't say you get a new comp plan every time you amend it. <br />Our comp plan was drawn up in 1979. The state law further states that cities can and <br />should amend their comp plan as they see fit <br />Attorney Niles indicated they are requesting a rezoning from RR to HB. Mr. Niles <br />stated, "The Highway Business Ordinance remains on the books with the city as a <br />viable ordinance. There is no misunderstanding as to that. The misunderstanding <br />where the debate or fencing, as Mr. Filla characterized it, has to do with under what <br />comp plan or standards contained in which comp plan should be applied., There is a <br />disagreement on that. Mr. Colon has obtained through litigation an order which Mr. <br />Colon believes applies to this application which entitles him to consideration under the <br />1979 plan. So yes, Mr. Filla we are asking for consideration under the 1979 plan <br />because it is our belief and legal position that Mr. Colon has the right to do so. We <br />