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MINUTES APPROVED: 9-6-94 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />AUGUST 9, 1994 <br />TIME OF THE MEETING WAS CHANGED BECAUSE OF THE #622 SCHOOL <br />DISTRICT REFERENDUM ELECTION <br />Mayor John called the special meeting to order at 8:06 p.m. in the city council <br />chambers. PRESENT: Mottaz, John, Johnson, Johnston, City Planner Schwanke, <br />Finance Director Banister, and Administrator Kueffner. ABSENT: Conlin <br />1. AGENDA <br />M/S/P John/Johnson - to approve the August 9, 1994 Special Meeting agenda as <br />presented. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />2. Discussion of Sanitary Sewer Options for 1-94 <br />Mayor John commended Administrator Kueffner on her persistence with identifying the <br />presence of this available 380,000 gallons a day capacity in the face of Metropolitan <br />Council's denial. <br />Administrator Kueffner reported there is approximately 380,000 gallons a day capacity <br />( that could be made available in the Wone interceptor south of 1.94 at a cost estimated <br />to be $285,000. Anything short of a 1,000 acres MUSA extension would have to be <br />paid by the person who petitions or who gets the capacity. Administrator Kueffner and <br />Planner Schwanke met with the Met Co. on Wednesday where they verified that the <br />capacity is there, that our original application was reviewed in a way that no other <br />application has been reviewed before. They used the supply and demand issue that <br />was the basis for which they turned us down and did not use this method prior to our <br />application or since. Based on what the city knows now, Administrator Kueffner <br />suggested resubmitting our application for the 440 acres. One of the arguments is <br />going to be that Oakdale needs additional capacity, they're 90% developed and Lake <br />Elmo is not. Lake Elmo may not get all the capacity, but it is very important we get our <br />application in before Oakdale does. <br />Steve Schwanke explained there are three principal issues that have to be addressed: <br />1. Sanitary Sewer Capacity issue. The improvements can be made and address the <br />financing of the improvements <br />2. Justify the addition of the expansion of the MUSA area. The council does that by <br />taking a look at the supply which we currently have in the urban service area and <br />calculate demand for the next 10-15 years for land to be placed in the urban service <br />area. This will be difficult justification for Lake Elmo because they have very little land <br />