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08-09-94 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-09-94 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 9, 1994 <br />in the urban service area and where that justification comes from primarily is past <br />experience. <br />Schwanke estimates 20-40 hours to make the application acceptable. Bohrer will have <br />to update some cost figures, because he already did his work for the previous council <br />on the premise that the improvement downstream was going to be made by someone. <br />According to Bohrer's report we need the 380,000 gal. per day to service the entire 440 <br />acres that we originally planned. <br />3. Met Council contended that Lake Elmo had not provided diversity of housing. <br />Approx. 30% off our city is in affordable housing. 56% of the people in the Old Village <br />qualify for LMI (Low Medium Income) <br />Estimated cost $3,500-$4,000 to prepare our resubmittal. Mottaz asked if we had this <br />money in our planning budget. Finance Director responded its not defined as such in <br />the budget, but we have money to cover under council contingency reserves, <br />Schwanke explained there are a couple ways of looking at it. <br />Short term: Capacity constraint if you are able to develop an interim system that <br />addresses that constraint it opens up about 380,000 gallons a day of capacity. Doubts <br />Lake Elmo would get access to all of that. During the planning amendment review, the <br />Met Council and Waste Control Commission would probably call in the cities of Oakdale <br />and Lake Elmo and say we do have capacity here, Lake Elmo is requesting a lot of it, <br />we know Oakdale has capacity problems and would probably give some of that <br />capacity to Oakdale. <br />Long term: City would have to take a look at the entire 1-94 corridor looking at <br />approx. 1,000 acres to be added and justifying the extension of Cottage Grove Ravine <br />interceptor through Cottage Grove through Woodbury and to the southern border of <br />Lake Elmo. Now the plans call for the interceptor not to go through the city of <br />Woodbury. If it doesn't go through the city of Woodbury, Lake Elmo will not have <br />access to it. We have sent a letter, spoken publicly on record, but as of yet the <br />centralization/decentralization plans have not changed. <br />Mottaz asked how much of the $285,000 can we assess to this 440 acres that would <br />benefit: Schwanke responded it could all be assessed, as well as engineering, legal, <br />and financing the plan. <br />Kueffner pointed out that Clarence Enright owes approx. $156,000 (Wone Interceptor) <br />in Green Acres which is a large portion of that improvement. As soon as that land <br />changes hands, this money is due. <br />
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