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08-09-94 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-09-94 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 9, 1994 <br />Council member Johnson voiced his understanding that the City Administrator and <br />Steve Schwanke had a meeting with Met. Council and have determined that there is <br />capacity to serve the 440 acres if there is an improvement downstream that we have <br />talked about. This is independent of any sewer capacity that exists in the WONE now. <br />You have discussed with Bohrer that the 380,000 per day is sufficient for full <br />development for the 440 acres. Kueffner explained this is based on our business park <br />development plan.Johnson asked, "Do you think that this request would be granted this <br />time around?" Kueffner stated, "our original application was unfairly turned down. <br />They used criteria in review of our application that was never used before or since. In <br />this meeting, they are admitting to this. They are suggesting that we submit our <br />application." <br />Schwanke stated there are a number of reasons for filing a timely application: <br />Woodbury is contemplating submitting an expansion. Oakdale has currently an <br />application for expanding the urban service area at the Met Council, but has been <br />placed on hold at the moment. If Oakdale's and Woodbury's amendment does goes <br />through, it would be easy for the Met Council to say, "we added all those areas to the <br />urban service area, you are part of the metropolitan area, sorry Lake Elmo, there's no <br />justification for us to add any more". The council's policy document that regulates this <br />whole area is going to change soon. The criteria in the new document is more <br />restrictive than the criteria in the old document. No one has yet to commit when that <br />new document is going to be placed into affect. (Guess is a couple of months). <br />M/S/P John/Mottaz - to direct the staff to prepare an application for resubmission of this <br />request for extension of MUSA for 440 acres at a cost not to exceed $5,000 with the <br />submission of application brought back to the city council before the public hearing is <br />called. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />3. Discussion of Finance options for 1-94 Sanitary Sewer <br />M/S/P John/Johnston - to schedule a council workshop with Kathy Aho, Springsted <br />Financial, on Monday, August 15, 7 p.m. to discuss finance options for the 1-94 Sanitary <br />Sewer. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />Mayor John closed the special meeting at 9:05 p.m <br />
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