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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20, 1994 <br />4. PUBLIC INFORMATIONAUINQUIRIES: <br />A. Petition for extending city water <br />The Council received a oetition from several residents on Lake Elmo Avenue <br />requesting that the city "survey and estimate the cost of obtaining city water to the <br />dwellings on Lake Elmo Avenue". <br />Earl Goerss, 2641 Lake Elmo Avenue, explained he approached the city 15-20 years <br />ago asking for city water and was told for $25,000 he could have water installed. His <br />water is very poor because it contains much iron and bacteria causing an odor and a <br />bad taste. Goerss asked the council to take into consideration that lakeshore property <br />pays very high taxes. <br />City Engineer, Larry Bohrer, will prepare the cost estimate for the furthest property <br />south on the petition, (McLeod), and some of the major considerations for the next <br />meeting. In this way, it will help Mr. Kemp, who is now building in the area, to make a <br />decision whether he should go ahead with a well or make some temporary <br />arrangements until the spring. It's going to be fairly expensive compared to other water <br />extensions because: <br />1. You have the lake on the other side of the road so there is no one on that side of the <br />road to share the cost. Only one side of the road will benefit from this. <br />2. If we fan find enough room on either the east or west blvd. of the county road to <br />extend the water main so they don't have to dig in the shoulder or blacktop. <br />3. Large lots with large frontage. <br />Bohrer estimated approx. $1,000 cost for a feasibility study. This cost can be assessed <br />to the project if it goes forward. Bohrer will mail this same information to the petitioners <br />on the list before the council meeting. <br />Jim McLeod, 2543 Lake Elmo Avenue N., indicated that the commodes, washing <br />machine and sink in his home are stained with iron. He chlorinates his well about three <br />times a year just to keep the odor down. <br />M/S/P John/Mottaz - to direct the City engineer to prepare a cost estimate of water <br />extension to those Lake Elmo Avenue residents on the petition and in addition give us <br />an idea of what it would cost to extend the water further south. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P John/Johnson - to amend the agenda by moving 7A. up to 4B in order for the city <br />engineer to complete his report and depart (Motion passed 5-0). <br />