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09-20-94 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
09-20-94 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 20, 1994 <br />4B. Response from engineer to VBWD <br />At the last meeting, the Council discussed the important features of the VBWD 509 plan <br />and Bohrer reduced those comments to writing, included Gordy Grundeen's comments <br />as instructed, and a letter to the VBWD from the Mayor regarding the green slime. <br />Bohrer then called Randy Peterson, Barr Engineering and representative for VBWD, <br />who explained this was not going to be an agenda item at the VBWD meeting, so he <br />faxed the comments to Randy Peterson who later had left a message on this voice mail <br />to all him because he.had some questions on Mr.Grundeen's submittal. Bohrer will <br />make copies for the council of his letter to the VBWD. <br />5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />A. Armstrong -Appeal Hearing <br />The council received a letter from Jerry Filla, dated September 16, 1994, on the <br />Armstrong request for Text Amendment and Conditional Use Permit Amendment. Filla <br />indicated the property owners do have the right to have their request receive formal <br />review and ultimately a decision from the Council. Filla recommended that the two <br />matters be placed back on the Planning Commission agenda for a public hearing after <br />appropriate notice. <br />Attorney Miller explained the Armstrongs do not have any vested rights in the prior <br />ordinance. If they are to go forward with the current proposal, it would be the functional <br />equivalent of reinstating the Alternative Ag and then examination of the CUP. <br />Administrator Kueffner pointed out the application has to be amended to reflect, rather <br />than a text amendment, a request for reinstatement of the ordinance to enable them to <br />proceed. They have proposed an amendment to the text that would have proceeded <br />had it not been repealed. That text can now be submitted as the new Alternate Ag <br />regulations because that is what they want and the application can proceed that way. <br />Tom P. Armstrong stated their position is the application, as submitted, should proceed <br />under the ordinance that was in existence at the time the application was made. They <br />have no plans to alter the application. <br />Attorney Miller answered Councilman Johnson's questions that a public hearing can be <br />held without the council reinstating Alternate Ag Zoning. <br />Councilman Mottaz asked, "Does that put us in a position where someone can make a <br />claim that our action considering this to be our reinstating the Alternate Ag?" Attorney <br />Miller didn't think that argument could be made because all you are doing at this time is <br />saying that the request should be put back into a posture where there is a public <br />hearing on the request. The result of the public hearing may be that the Planning <br />Commission would ultimately come to the conclusion that the request is not proper <br />procedurally because Alternative Ag had been previously eliminated. <br />
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