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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 6, 1994 10 <br />Administrator Kueffner pointed out there was a certain amount of uncertainty as to <br />whether or not a variance is even required because of present impervious surface at <br />this site is 30%. Those buildings exist and Lamperts are going to do some removal of <br />buildings, but the end result of impervious surface for Phase 1 is not going to exceed <br />30% impervious surface. Even though there was some question as to whether or not a <br />variance is needed, the city proceeded to call a public hearing for a variance request <br />City Engineer Bohrer reported that some of the old buildings are going to be <br />demolished and the area paved over. New buildings will be constructed on some of the <br />areas of paving.. From a runoff standpoint, there will be no change in impervious <br />surface. There is no increase in the non -conformity of the site. <br />Attorney Filla stated that everything indicates that this should be dealt with as if it were <br />a variance and that is his recommendation. <br />M/S/P John/Mottaz to grant the impervious surface coverage variance in a General <br />Business zone to Lampert Yards, 9220 Hudson Blvd., on the grounds that the existing <br />impervious surface is 30% and that the proposal is to readjust the impervious surface <br />and still not exceed the 30% ratio that exists now. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />The council received a copy of a letter from Charlie Melcher, Project Engineer, to Dan <br />Krell, Lampert Yards regarding drainage issues. <br />Larry Bohrer reported he has reviewed the contours and part of Phase 1 is to correct <br />what should have been done in 1993 because the pond was not constructed like a true <br />square like it should have been. The pond will be adequate for Phase I, but at this point <br />there is not sufficient information to rule on Phase 2 whether it will have any effect on <br />the drainage or change in impervious surface. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/John - to approve the site and plan as shown in the drawing presented <br />for Phase 1 for the expansion of Lampert Yards; subject to the applicant complying with <br />the recommendations of the city planner and city engineer; conditioned on the <br />improvements being made in accordance as outlined in the September 1, 1994 letter <br />from Charlie Melcher. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />D. Site and Plan Review: River Valley Christian Church <br />The Planning Commission considered this at its August 30, 1994 meeting and <br />unanimously recommended approval, contingent upon the applicant complying with the <br />conditions set forth in the City Planner's report and the City Engineer's report. <br />Pastor Denison explained they have revised the parking spaces on the plan, received a <br />permit from Washington County for the access drive, supplied proof of permission from <br />NSP for construction in the NSP easement, and the sign, as drawn, met the <br />requirements of the sign ordinance. <br />