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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES SEPTEMBER 6, 1994 <br />Armstrong denied it and said they would need to change the conditions of the CUP. <br />That's when the merry-go-round started for this amount of time. <br />John Bodey stated he sent a letter supporting the Council's decisions. As adjacent <br />property owners, they are concerned about the effects of the additional changes the <br />Armstrongs would like to add to the CUP which could have negative affect on property <br />values. They would definitely be opposed to any further changes or amendment <br />allowing a large structure to his CUP, and they support the 100 vehicle limitation <br />Annette Pierre stated she is getting more water onto her property and into her <br />basement and believes it is the water runoff off of the existing pole buildings. Armstrong <br />responded the water problem does not have anything to do with the buildings, but with <br />the drainage ditch which has not been cleaned up for many years. <br />Mr. Meehan thought those buildings should be built down by Ideal Avenue where he <br />has property along the railroad. All the property values are going to fall. <br />Attorney Filla suggested he provide the council with a memo giving the council the part <br />of the minutes that are relevant to this topic during that period of time. <br />Mayor John suggested the city engineer visit the Pierre property in relation to the <br />construction of 15th Street and the ditches and the Pierre's water problem <br />Mr. Armstrong requested that whatever the city attorney furnishes for the city council <br />that he would be furnished a copy so they could respond. If the city engineer visits the <br />property, Armstr ong requests the engineer let him know so he or his son can <br />accompany him and point out the problem with the drainage ditch. <br />M/S/P John/Mottaz - to table for two weeks, to enable the city attorney to review the <br />record and present a chronology summary to the City Council before they make a <br />decision as to what has transpired over time and what decisions were made. (Motion <br />passed 5-0). <br />C. PUBLIC HEARING: Site and Plan Review Lampert Yards, 9220 Hudson Blvd. <br />Mayor John opened up the public hearing at 9:18 p.m. to consider a request form <br />Lampert Yards, 9220 Hudson Blvd. for a variance to the impervious surface regulations <br />in the General Business zoning district. The public hearing was published in the <br />Stillwater Gazette and affected property owners have been notified. <br />There was no one to speak against the variance request <br />Mayor John closed the public hearing at 9:20 p.m. <br />