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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 18, 1994 <br />allowed a structure to be built over the water main. The shifting of the structure caused <br />the water main to break according to Mr. Roger's representative. <br />The segment of sidewalk that has to be replaced is in front of the River Valley Christian <br />Church (they are renting from Mr. Rogers) the barber shop and the beauty shop. Mr. <br />Rogers has offered to pay for one-half of the sidewalk, but feels the city should pay for <br />the other half. <br />Dan Olinger was only able to get one estimate because the concrete workers are busy. <br />The bid is for $950 with our crew taking off the old sidewalk. <br />M/S/P MottazMohn - that the city administrator be authorized to instruct the sidewalk <br />replacement project on Lake Elmo Avenue be undertaken at a cost of $950 and city <br />pay $475 out of the Maintenance Budget plus the demolition of the sidewalk done by <br />the city maintenance crew. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Mayor John suggested when the engineer and maintenance foreman inspect the <br />streets for repair they should also inspect the condition of the city sidewalks and the <br />south side of 32nd Street North. <br />C. 1993 Bituminous Patch and Overlay - Final Payment to Bituminous <br />Consulting & Contracting <br />Larry Bohrer reported in his letter to the Council dated October 18,1994 that the work <br />on the 1993 Patch and Overlay Project was substantially completed last fall and <br />assessments were levied. The Contractor had some corrective work which carried over <br />into 1994. This work has now been complete and the final project documentation was <br />provided. <br />M/S/P Johnston/Conlin - to approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of +$1,140.00, <br />Change Order No. 2 (Compensating) in the amount of-$31,812.74 and the Final <br />payment to the contractor, Bituminous Consulting and Contracting, in the amount of <br />$13,190.33. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />8. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />A. Letter to City Council dated October 6, 1994 regarding Actions taken at <br />Council meetings <br />Attorney Filla reported that this matter has been referred about a week ago. <br />M/S/P John/Conlin - to investigate the issues, complaints that exist at the present time <br />on all the staff, current council and current commissions. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Attorney Filla indicated it was clear that we have some regs that are probably more <br />inflexible than they need to be. The city should take a look at the reasons for the regs <br />