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10-18-94 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
10-18-94 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OCTOBER 18, 1994 5 <br />and whether they want to continue to have them as inflexible as they are. It may be <br />helpful for the council to look at what other communities do in terms of adopting regs <br />that apply to councils. Filla will send the council a copy of a resolution drafted by the <br />Shoreview Council. <br />Kueffner pointed out the meeting regs is one that the League has suggested changing <br />and providing more flexibility and will have a code recodification package for council <br />review at their next meeting. <br />M/S/P John/Conlin- to amend the agenda to discuss memo from Lee Hunt on Heritage <br />Preservation Commission Meeting of 10/3/94. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Lee Hunt, 8810 55th Street N., indicated after following up on comments made by <br />Council person Mottaz at the October 4th council meeting concerning a meeting of the <br />HPC. Hunt has come to the conclusion that no prior notice was given or an agenda <br />published for the October 3, 1994 Heritage Preservation Commission meeting. The <br />HPC is a formal commission for the city and governed by the provisions of the open <br />meeting law. He suggests that the council direct the staff to investigate and determine <br />if a violation occurred. If a violation is determined, the City Attorney should then <br />recommend disciplinary action. <br />Councilman Mottaz stated before someone signs an official complaint on this matter, <br />there will be a letter sent to the council explaining what happened. <br />The Council already had made a motion to add all issues involving any of the staff, <br />council, and commissions that would cover this complaint. <br />9. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Mayor John submitted a letter from Constance Northrup to the City Council and <br />Administrator indicating requests that were made to the city administrator on June 6, <br />1994 for a "slow children" sign, "blind driveway" sign for traffic approaching 11075 32nd <br />St. N. from the west end of 32nd St. N. and a 25 mph sign for traffic entering 32nd <br />Street from Lake Elmo Avenue N. <br />Administrator Kueffner explained the brush has been cut away from the signs so they <br />are totally visible and Olinger did find a "slow, children" sign at the shop and that sign is <br />installed. <br />Councilman Johnson reported the agreement with the DNR and Small Business tree <br />grant was received by the city. He and Mike Bouthilet applied for permit from MnDOT to <br />plant trees. There will be a general meeting with Hagstrom, Meehan Bros. the tree <br />supplier. This work will be done this fall depending how fast we get the permit from <br />MnDOT. <br />
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