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October 3, 1994 <br />To: Mayor and City Council <br />From: Mary Kueffner <br />Re: Section 32/33 Negotiations with Oakdale <br />Mayor John and I have met with the Oakdale staff a couple of times (at council direction) to try <br />and resolve the Section 32/33 boundary issue. <br />Attached is a list of conditions the Oakdale Mayor and City Administrator have proposed in <br />response to our request for additional sewer capacity. Oakdale's City Engineer has analyzed its <br />excess capacity to be approximately 10,000 gallons per day. <br />Oakdale did not feel that Lake Elmo was giving enough (we offered nothing), and came up with <br />the attached list of conditions for which they would consider giving us the excess 10,000 gallons <br />per day. <br />I believe No. 1 is a given. We want to try to settle all annexation issues with the City of Oakdale <br />with respect to Section 32 and 33. <br />Number 2, we told Oakdale, might have to read something to the effect that we would not oppose <br />the issues, but asked that they include similar language for any Comp. Plan amendment that Lake <br />Elmo may submit to the Met. Council. <br />Number 3 is similar to 2. We may not want to support the legislation, but should we agree not to <br />oppose it? <br />Number 4 refers to the property west of the Don Bishop property. This seemed to be an <br />important issue with Oakdale staff as they feel it important that Helmo Avenue go through to <br />Stillwater Blvd. <br />Agreeing to Number 5 could possibly put us in another Olson Lake Estates situation, and we are <br />not sure that the City of Lake Elmo has any intention of mitigating wetlands for development in <br />any other city. <br />Number 6 brought up the discussion of the reneging on the agreement that we now have for <br />water in the Lake Jane Advisory area. <br />Number 7 was a definite "No". <br />