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Lake Elmo will agree to settle all annexation issues with the City of Oakdale with <br />respect to Section 32 and 33. <br />2. Lake Elmo will support Oakdale in its development of the golf course, including all <br />peripheral issues such as the EAW, Comprehensive Plan/MUSA extension, <br />Washington County CTAP proposal, etc. <br />Lake Elmo will support Oakdale in its special tax increment legislation, should it be <br />introduced. <br />Lake Elmo will require the developer south of Stillwater Boulevard to provide the <br />right-of-way for Helmo Avenue and allow the City (Oakdale) to construct the roadway. <br />5. Lake Elmo agrees to work with Oakdale in developing an area -wide wetland mitigation <br />program as a development incentive. <br />6. Lake Elmo will allow Oakdale to sell water to the area that Lake Elmo is bringing into <br />the MUSA as well as the 3M property (sewer also) along Highway 5. <br />Lake Elmo will drop resistance to the Olson Lake Estates discharge and allow the <br />system to function as initially permitted by the Watershed. <br />