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11-15-94 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-15-94 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 15, 1994 <br />B. Mn/DOT Letter <br />Administrator Kueffner reported she has not yet written the letter requested by the city <br />council at the November 1, 1994 meeting, but has made a call to the person that wrote <br />it and told them a letter would be forthcoming. <br />6. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Resolution No. 94-29 Pott/Hagberg minor subdivision, 1083 32nd St. N. <br />This is a request for a minor subdivision (lot line adjustment) submitted by Francis Pott <br />and Pat Hagberg (representing the estate of Vera Horigan). This subdivision will take a <br />non -conforming lot and make it conforming. The Planning Commission reviewed this <br />request on October 24, 1994 and recommended unanimously that it be approved. The <br />Commission noted that no park dedication was required because a new lot was not <br />being created. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Conlin - to adopt Resolution No. 94-29 granting a minor subdivision to <br />Francis J. Pott/Patricia Hagberg based on the recommendation of the Planning <br />Commission. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P John/Conlin - to table Item 6B. until the applicant arrive. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />D. Comprehensive Plan Amendment/Rezoning <br />Applicant: Martin Colon (Tentative based on Planning Commission's action) <br />At the November 14, 1994 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended, on a 5-0 <br />vote, the City Council deny the applicant's request to amend the City's 1990 <br />comprehensive plan to change the planned future land uses from Limited Business and <br />Rural Estate Density to Highway Business. The applicant's proposed development is <br />not consistent with the long term goals and policies for development along 1-94 as <br />stated in the 1990 Comprehensive Plan. Since adoption of the 1990 Comprehensive <br />Plan, nothing has substantially changed to compel the City to amend its current policy <br />and is based on the findings presented in the staff report. <br />At the same meeting the Planning Commission made a motion, on a 5-0 vote, to <br />recommend the city council deny the applicant's request to rezone the Flying J Travel <br />Plaza development site (as illustrated on the concept plan submitted with the 6/1/94 <br />application) from Rural Residential to Highway Business. The requested Highway <br />Business zoning is inconsistent with the City's 1990 comprehensive plan and is based <br />on the findings presented in the staff report. <br />Don Niles, attorney for Martin Colon, presented a chronology of events by Federal Land <br />Company, a letter dated November 8, 1994 from him to the City Administrator, and a <br />copy of Judge Doyscher's order. <br />
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