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12-06-94 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
12-06-94 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES DECEMBER 6, 1994 6 <br />For Lot 2, because of the intense interest on the part of the neighbors, the city will invite <br />neighbors for their input before a decision is made. (Motion passed 4-1:Johnson: the <br />neighbors should be advised of what the city is considering on all 3 lots. ) <br />The City will notify Roger Derrick of the meeting which will be held after the first of the <br />year. <br />B. Woodbury Comprehensive Sewer Amendment- Informational <br />Larry Bohrer reported he is currently reviewing Woodbury's comprehensive sanitary <br />sewer plan update. A meeting to discuss this plan is scheduled for Friday, December 9, <br />1994 at 1:30 p.m. at the Metropolitan Wastewater Services. Bohrer will be attending <br />this meeting to review inaccuracies within the report, preserve Lake Elmo's existing <br />capacity in the WONE, reiterate Lake Elmo's intention to resubmit a new <br />comprehensive plan adding MUSA services along 1-94 and to support a central <br />Washington County interceptor to serve Cottage Grove, Woodbury and Lake Elmo. He <br />will report back to the Council after this meeting. <br />C. South Washington Watershed District L.G.U. for Wetland Conservation <br />Act <br />Larry Bohrer reported the South Washington Watershed District has now been formed <br />to replace the Cottage Grove Ravine Water Management Organization. The State of <br />Minnesota has also recently enacted the Wetland Conservation Act. According to the <br />Act, a Local Government Unit (LGU) must be designated to rule on requests to approve <br />permits which would alter or impact wetlands. A municipality may act as the LGU or it <br />can request the watershed district to perform that function. Bohrer has been contacted <br />by the South Washington Watershed District as to what Lake Elmo would like to do for <br />that portion of the City. <br />M/S/P Johnston/Conlin - that the staff be directed to inform South Washington <br />Watershed District and the Board of Water and Soil Resources that Lake Elmo intends <br />to act as the Local Government Unit for the purpose of administering the provisions of <br />the Wetland Conservation Act for that portion of the City within the South Washington <br />Watershed District. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />D. Proposed 1995 Overlay Projects <br />Bohrer reported we have reviewed city streets for patching and overlay needs with Dan <br />Olinger. Depending on available funds, he anticipates work on the streets stated in his <br />letter on 1995 Overlay Projects, dated December 2, 1994. <br />M/S/P Conlin/John - to authorize the City Engineer to prepare a feasibility report for the <br />1995 overlays. Cost of the Feasibility report shall not exceed $5,000. (Motion passed <br />5-0). <br />
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