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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 21, 1995 2 <br />Sue Johnson, Heritage Preservation Commission Chair, explained they will be applying <br />for a grant to survey Lake Elmo to help define the cities' historic places. Johnson <br />added "Old Lake Elmo is a town worth saving". Commission member, Gloria <br />Knoblauch, stated the commission should save individual buildings instead of building a <br />fence around the old downtown. They could also look into the century farms and other <br />buildings. <br />Councilman Hunt explained the old village has some unique characteristics, and we <br />need to come up with a way to modify the ordinance. He would be willing to wait a year <br />to see if the HPC could work closer with the Planning Commission to create an overlay <br />district for the Old Village area that would take into account the current old village <br />district and come up with suggestions for code changes for a more effective use of the <br />Old Village. Johnston suggested that the new city planner be a liaison between the <br />HPC and the Planning Commission. Mayor John voiced his concern that he did not <br />want to create another layer of bureaucracy if a business wanted to move into the old <br />village. <br />M/S/F DeLapp/Hunt - to repeal Section 212 of the Lake Elmo Municipal Code, <br />establishing the Heritage Preservation Commission. Further, that consideration be <br />made to re institute a Heritage Preservation Committee as a sub -committee of the <br />Planning Commission operating under the auspices of the city council, rather than an <br />ad hoc committee of the Planning Commission. (Motion Failed 1-4:Conlin, Hunt, John, <br />Johnston). <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston - to appoint Susan Johnson, Gloria Knoblauch and Lenore Mottaz <br />to the Heritage Preservation Commission and advertise the vacancies in the next city <br />newsletter and appoint members for specific terms so the terms are staggered and all <br />seats do not become vacant at the same time. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Liaison from the council to the HPC will be on the March 7th council agenda. <br />B. Derrick Land Co.: Revised Proposal for Lot 2, DeMontreville Highlands 3rd <br />Addition <br />M/S/P Hunt/Conlin - to remove Derrick Land from the table. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P Hunt/ DeLapp - to deny the request of Derrick Land to amend the grading plan <br />change to increase the height to 981 because even though the grading plan is <br />amended as proposed (Refer to Paragraph #6 of legal stipulation) the septic system <br />could not be constructed according to a design approved by the city's consulting <br />engineer and the city engineer has indicated he cannot approve the function of the <br />system and that's supported by the last two years evidence that what's In place now is <br />not dispersing natural water to a point where you can achieve the separation required <br />at the critical time of the year. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />