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02-07-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-07-95 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 7, 1995 <br />John Bodey, neighbor to the north of the fields, asked if there are any plans for a back <br />stop, goal post, or bleachers. The softball fields will have a backstop and the football <br />fields will have goal posts. There are no plans for bleachers or lighting of the fields. <br />Bodey asked if there is landscape or fencing planned because his property goes all the <br />way to the line and he has a barbed wire fence. He has a concern about students trying <br />to get to the other side and the liability to him or the school district. <br />Tom Armstrong, owns property directly to the east of the fields, indicated the school <br />district should provide fencing to keep the children off other people's property because <br />if you don't, there is clear access off those fields right into a 8.4 acre lake that the <br />county is constructing and beyond that is Armstrong Lake. <br />Councilman DeLapp asked if the school board is going to apply for a rezoning of the <br />land? The school district responded if that is the requirement, they would do it. <br />Condemnation proceedings will be complete by May 1, 1995. <br />The County is very interested in this site for placing a library because they feel with <br />10th street there is good accessibility and visibility for the public. The County has made <br />a formal request to enter into negotiations for a piece of property with the School Board. <br />C. Human Rights Commission <br />The Council received a draft Human Rights Commission ordinance as requested by the <br />City Council in May, 1994. The city received responses from two communities, Oak <br />Park Heights and Lakeland Shores, expressing interest in joining this effort. <br />Attorney Filla explained since this is a multi -community commission, we would want to <br />take a look at the appointment process provisions, rules, and reporting provisions. Filla <br />would tailor that section to allow each city to deal with their own representatives and <br />add a provision to require the commission to report to mayors or city councils of each <br />city or at least each city in which this particular issue is of significance. Carol Banister <br />agreed to customizing the ordinance to deal with those issues. In regard to a maximum <br />size of the commission, Banister asked to reserve the right to review it as it comes up <br />and then decide. <br />M/S/P Conlin/DeLapp - to direct the city attorney to prepare a draft ordinance for review <br />by the council at their February 21, meeting as well as instructing the city staff to inform <br />the general public in the city newsletter of our interest in establishing such a <br />commission and inviting applications. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />The staff was directed to formalize an application form. Carol Banister will send the <br />Administrator copies of an application from other communities. <br />
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