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02-07-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-07-95 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 7, 1995 3 <br />D. Mike Polehna: (1) Winter Access to Lake Elmo <br />Mike Polehna, Parks Manager for Washington County, currently operate a 20 space <br />boat launch in the Lake Elmo Park Reserve on Lake Elmo. The problem in the winter <br />the road is closed down to the cross country ski parking lot and allows no access into <br />the park. The reason they do that is to control the hours the people are in there and <br />the traffic on the lake. In the past, residents who want to fish on Lake Elmo could enter <br />off of Cty Rd. 17. Mr. Krongard would allow people to access the lake. There's been <br />limited access the last two years because of Krongards closing their access. The <br />County would not keep this open in the summer, basically, it would be a winter time <br />access for fisherman. The DNR is very concerned there is no access on the lake and <br />have indicated they would possibly stop stocking the lake because a winter access to <br />the lake was not provided. The County does not allow access through the site now, <br />but there are many trespassers. Polehna asked how would the city like the County to <br />proceed next fall? What the County proposes is to open a roadway to go onto the lake <br />and doesn't imagine a parking area at all. The people would use this access when the <br />ice is thick enough to drive on. The County will be fencing along Cty Rd 17, along <br />Krongard's driveway, and gating it off because people are launching their boats. <br />The council indicated they would not like to see people parking along County Road 17. <br />If there needs to be parking, then it.should be provided off the road. The council is <br />supportive of the concept and asked Polehna to approach the Parks Commission and <br />get input from Sheriff's Dept. <br />(2) St. Croix Valley Ice Arena Concept <br />Chris Aamodt explained he and Mike Polehna have been working on trying to get a new <br />ice arena established in the Valley area and have worked on the concept of attaching it <br />to the new armory in Stillwater where it is proposed to go in next to the new CUB store. <br />They have met with Dr. Wetergren, School District #834, to try to put together a joint <br />powers agreement to operate an ice arena. Aamodt and Polehna are soliciting private <br />funding to get an ice arena constructed. The council was asked to appoint a member <br />to come to meetings with School District #834 and other municipalities to discuss a way <br />we can jointly operate a new ice facility. Councilmen DeLapp and/or Hunt indicated <br />their interest in attending the meetings. <br />5. OLD BUSINESS: <br />A. Section 32/33:Joint Agreement relating to sewer capacity and boundary <br />delineation <br />Mayor John visited all the homeowners in the area south of 4th Street and East of Ideal <br />within the Section of 32/33 making them aware of the ultimate resolution of this issue <br />between the two cities. The general input was not necessarily a popular decision, but <br />was accepted by the people. <br />
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