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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 21, 1995 10 <br />B. Discussion on Planner Interviews <br />Administrator Kueffner reported she met with Ann Pung-Terwedo and she accepted the <br />Job as City Planner/Assistant to City Administrator and will start work as early as April <br />24, but no later than May 1, 1995. <br />M/S/P Johnston/DeLapp - based on favorable recommendations, qualifications and <br />experience, to employ Ann Pung-Terwedo as City Planner/Assistant to the City <br />Administrator at a salary of $33,700 plus benefits identical of other employees, to do a <br />performance review after three months rather than the six month review, two weeks of <br />vacation, $100 per month car allowance, attend the State Planning Conference every <br />year and retain membership in the Minnesota Chapter of the American Planning <br />Association. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />C. Vacations <br />Administrator Kueffner will be on vacation from March 22 through March 31, 1995 and <br />back to work on April 3, 1995. Mayor John will be on vacation from March 22 through <br />April 15, 1995. <br />M/S/P Johnston/Hunt - to adjourn the meeting at 11:35 p.m. (Motion passed 5 -0). <br />Respectfully submitted by Sharon Lumby, Deputy City Clerk <br />Resolution No. 95-24 - Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans for 42nd Street <br />from Jamaca Avenue to Lake Jane Trail <br />Resolution No. 95-25 - Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans for Foxfire and <br />Green Acres Subdivision <br />Resolution No. 95-26 - Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans for Highlands <br />Trail from Hilltop Avenue to DeMontrevitle Trail <br />Resolution No. 95-27 Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans for Meyers <br />Park Subdivision <br />Resolution No. 95-28 - Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans from Lake <br />Elmo Avenue to Lampert Avenue <br />Resolution No. 95-29 - Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans for the <br />Proposed 38th Street between Laverne and Lake Elmo <br />Avenue <br />Resolution No. 95-30 - Ordering Improvement Preparation of Plans for Lake Jane Trail <br />from 42nd Street to Jamaca Avenue <br />Resolution No. 95-31 - Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans for Jane Road <br />from Lake Jane Trail to Jamaca Avenue <br />Resolution No. 95-32 - Ordering Improvement and Preparation of Plans for Upper 33rd <br />Street West of Lake Elmo Avenue <br />Resolution No. 95-33 Supporting Passage of the "Minnesota Emerging <br />Communications Services Act of 1995" <br />