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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 21, 1995 9 <br />The meeting with the Minnesota Design Team at the VFW Hall was well attended <br />by the Lake Elmo residents. <br />The council acknowledged receiving a letter from Eldon W. Smith, 10941 32nd Street, <br />and a letter from Ardell Hutton & Debbie Smith -Hutton, 11108 32nd St. N., stating they <br />feel Hammes Sand & Gravel is doing the community a great service by their recycling <br />and are very discouraged about council denial of a text amendment allowing Hammes <br />Sand & Gravel to recycle blacktop and concrete. <br />Council member Conlin received a response back from her letter to Terry Merrit, <br />Municipal Board, stating he had scheduled a third in series of the Municipal Board a <br />May topic being concurrent detachment and annexation. Rita will call Mr. Merrit to find <br />out when the meeting will be. Conlin will report on the cable commission meeting at the <br />next meeting. <br />Councilman Hunt attended the meeting regarding the recreational facilities in school <br />district 832 to look at current recreational capabilities of the school district and what will <br />be required in the future. They discussed how to raise funds for improvements of <br />existing facilities or new facilities; such as, users fees, develop parks for a more <br />community use rather than the city use, and impact fees for new developments. Hunt <br />asked for authorization to talk to the city attorney for a couple of hours to see if impact <br />fees for new developments is feasible. The next meeting will be held on April 6, 6:30 <br />p.m., in the school district #622 Board Room. <br />M/S/P John/DeLapp - to propose the City Attorney use two hours of his time to discuss <br />Impact Fees with Councilman Hunt. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />10. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Recommendation from Solid Waste Advisory Commission on Composting and <br />Recycled Material Purchases <br />The Solid Waste Advisory Committee postponed their meeting to April 3, 1995. <br />Oakdale and Washington County are trying to get out newsletters with compost dates <br />and fees. The Administrator and Maintenance Foreman recommended the composting <br />fees for Lake Elmo residents be raised from $10 to $15 which include taking of brush <br />and Clean -Up day, non-residents $20 to $25 and $75 for commercial licenses. The <br />reasons for raising fees is brush has been added for Lake Elmo residents and the cost <br />to get rid of the tires and appliances have gone up. Kueffner felt $25 is a good deal for <br />a season pass for non-residents to use the compost site. The entire program is not <br />self-supporting because the city has to budget for it. The expenses are more than what <br />we have taken in for Clean up -day. There was council consensus to raise the fees as <br />suggested. <br />