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Retail <br />210 am Construction <br />AMIN Services, Inc. <br />One Eastern Heights Plaza ■ 7582 Carrell Boulevard, Suite 114 H St. Paul, MN 55125 + 612/738.7974 FAX 612/738-0698 <br />February 9, 1995 <br />Mr. Jim McNamara <br />Chief Building Official <br />City of Lake Elmo <br />3800 Laverne Ave. N. <br />Lake Elmo, MN 55042 <br />Dear Mr. McNamara, <br />As we discussed today, it is my intention to specifically not bring any fill onto my <br />property for any purpose associated with the proposed addition to my house. We will <br />utilize whatever excavated fill is available to meet any required grades as is dictated by <br />the shoreland ordinance(s), <br />I understand the concern that the DNR or any other agency may have with homeowners <br />who are not respectful of their natural environment or surroundings. <br />As has been demonstrated during our other work on the property, we have eliminated <br />numerous run-off and erosion problems and we have added dozens of native plants, ferns, <br />bushes, trees, etc ... to try and soften the impact that the house had when it was built by the <br />previous homeowners. <br />Please let me know if there is any other information that you may need for the variance <br />process to proceed. <br />Sincerely, <br />Stephen M. Bachman <br />Homeowner <br />® Join the Recycled Cycle <br />