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03-21-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-21-95 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 21, 1995 <br />three options. These options will be presented at the VBWD meeting on March 23, <br />( 1995. The VBWD will also discuss another emergency release from Olson Lake <br />Estates Pond as soon as the ice is out of Lake Olson. Council member Conlin will <br />attend the VBWD meeting and report back to the council. The City Administrator will <br />invite VBWD representatives to the April 4, 1995 council meeting to discuss the <br />proposed options. <br />Last year Ray Boche came before the council to talk about a drainage problem. There <br />are culverts under 36th and 37th Street; but it doesn't drain well to the south. Water <br />stands in there and affects both his (Boche) septic system and Ray Strege's (8808 36th <br />St. N.). Since the VBWD's 1007 project went along Irwin Avenue, we could install a <br />catch basin in the low area and connect it to the storm sewer which would solve the <br />problem. Bohrer has made application to the VBWD and there may be some <br />discussion on this matter at the meeting. <br />8. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />A. Junker Landfill: Response to letter from Wenck & Associates <br />Attorney Filla stated there is nothing that indicates we contributed hazardous waste to <br />this site. If they are willing to offer the city a money cap and guarantees that we <br />wouldn't be sued from members of the organization or other people, then he (Filla) <br />would recommend we participate in the Junker Landfill Group. A decision has to be <br />made by April 28, 1995.. Filla was not ready to recommend anything to the council at <br />this time. <br />Attorney Filla will have the findings of fact to support denial of the request of the <br />Armstrongs for a Text Amendment to the Code relating to Alternative Ag at the next <br />meeting. <br />B. Opinion:Can/Should Lee Hunt vote on Road Improvement (55th Street) <br />Attorney Filla submitted his opinion, dated March 21, 1995, on Council Member <br />Conflicts of Interest Public Improvement Projects. Conflicts of interest arise when <br />Council members have a financial interest in a contract which is awarded by the City. <br />The award of a street improvement contract by the city council would not create a <br />conflict of interest for a council member unless that member had an ownership interest <br />in the company which was awarded the contact. A council member does not have a <br />conflict of interest simply because the council member resides on a street which is <br />scheduled for improvement by the city council. <br />9. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Mayor John reported he received a letter from David Wettergren, Supt. of Independent <br />School Dist 834, indicating he would like to come before the council to address the <br />potential of holding another school bond issue on May 23, 1995. This can be a feature <br />in the next newsletter prior to him coming to speak before the council: <br />
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