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'5-PNc_ bUL40 S, m 11%d <br />q_q--9 S <br />City of Lake Elmo <br />10310 City Hall Road <br />Lake Elmo, MN 55042 <br />City of <br />Attn: <br />Dear_________; <br />By Resolution 95- enclosed, the City of Lake Elmo invites your <br />City Council to participate in a dialog of governmental bodies with <br />interests in the future land use along I-94 in Washington County. <br />Through this dialog, our Council is proposing the creation of a <br />cooperative and comprehensive effort resulting in a shared vision <br />and a shared plan of implementation for development in this <br />Corridor. <br />To begin, we are calling for a workshop of elected and appointed <br />officials with a moderator to be provided by the Office of the <br />Governor. At this meeting, we would seek to highlight the existing <br />commonly shared opportunities and our underlying concerns and <br />consider the possibilities for State or Metropolitan Council funding of <br />a study to further identify and evaluate the key issues. In addition, <br />the study would likely provide a forum for consideration of a wider <br />perspective, as the I-94 Corridor is the most prominent local <br />component of our State and Regional infrastructure. <br />Please join us on at the _. We will send a formal <br />agenda and listing of participants in advance. <br />Sincerely <br />Wyn John, Mayor <br />