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City of Lake Elmo <br />Washington County, Minnesota <br />Resolution 95- <br />A Resolution Calling for the Convocation of Parties with Land <br />Use Interests in the Washington County Corridor of I-94 <br />WHEREAS, the I-94 Corridor is the most prominent State and <br />Regional component of Washington County's public infrastructure, <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the adjacent cities and Washington County control the <br />allowed land uses within the I-94 Corridor, and the State separately <br />controls traffic levels through its highway design, and <br />WHEREAS, most existing uses of lands within the I-94 Corridor in <br />Washington County are considered to be transitional, and <br />WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Council determines the location of public <br />( sewer and most of the I-94 Corridor is outside the M.U.S.A. line, and <br />WHEREAS, over 80% of the property taxes generated from real estate <br />within the I-94 Corridor benefits governmental bodies (i.e. school <br />districts, Metro. Council, watershed districts, and the County), with <br />little or no control over uses within the Corridor, and <br />WHEREAS, <br />the level and type of services required <br />of governmental <br />bodies with <br />little or no control over uses <br />within the <br />Corridor is <br />dictated by <br />those uses and their specific <br />locations, <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the County and Metro Council have forecast the rate of job <br />growth in Washington County to be substantially less than suggested <br />by the comprehensive plans of cities with the I-94 Corridor, and <br />WHEREAS, with thorough, macroscopic, analysis of the Washington <br />County section of the I-94 Corridor the harm from potentially <br />conflicting land uses can be reduced or eliminated, and the benefits <br />from potentially compatible land uses can be most fully realized; <br />