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04-04-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-04-95 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 4, 1995 4 <br />Gave an update to the Stillwater Chamber of Commerce which highlighted Lake Elmo's activities in <br />1994 - prominent among them the agreement with Oakdale on annexation issues, Lake Elmo goals for <br />1995 and the visit by the Minnesota Design Team <br />Council Member DeLapp suggested inviting the Executive Director of the Minnesota Land Trust to explain <br />what the land trust means, how it can provide better housing opportunities, preserve wetlands and <br />thereby improve conditions for the residents. This may be an appropriate item for the Joint CC/PZ <br />meeting in May. DeLapp provided a draft resolution calling for the Convocation of Parties with Land Use <br />Interests in the Washington County Corridor of 1-94 and a letter inviting other city councils to participate in <br />a dialog of governmental bodies which interests in the future land use along 1-94. This will be an agenda <br />Rem at the April 18th council meeting. <br />Council member Johnston provided a copy of a letter to Representative Mark Holsten from Peter <br />Zetterberg of the VBWD thanking him for agreeing to serve as House sponsor for the special legislation <br />to increase the Valley Branch Watershed District's administrative fund levy cap from $125,000 to <br />$200,000. Johnston attended a retirement dinner at the Fire Hall and gave out certificates of recognition <br />to Joel and Bill Eder who have been volunteers with the Lake Elmo Fire Department for 30 years. <br />10. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Set dates for MN Design Team Steering Committee <br />The City received a letter from W. Arthur Mehrhoff, Ph.D. indicating the Minnesota Design Team Steering <br />Committee has reviewed Lake Elmo's application for a fall visit. They would like to conduct a follow-up <br />screening visit in order to meet with civic leaders and public officials involved in seeking a Minnesota <br />Design Team visit. The Team normally conducts such screening visits on weeknights or on Saturday <br />mornings and would like to determine two or three dates in April. <br />The Council set the following tentative meeting dates: Wednesday evening, April 19; Saturday, April 22, <br />Tuesday evening, April 25; and Saturday April 29, 1995. <br />B. Board of Review <br />The 1995 Board of Review is scheduled for April 13, 1995 from 3 to 6 p.m. at city hall. The Council <br />received the 1995 Local Board of Review and County Board of Equalization Booklet. <br />C. Recommendation from Solid Waste Committee on Composting and Recycle Material Purchases <br />The Solid Waste Advisory Committee met on April 3, 1995 and recommended the compost fees as <br />follows: Lake Elmo Residents $10 which includes Clean Up Day, Non Residents $25, and Commercial <br />licenses $85. The Committee realized Clean Up Day costs the City more than what had been budgeted, <br />but there is still $2,300 excess in the Solid Waste Fund to keep the fee from being raised for residents. <br />Brush, branches, tree trimmings will only be accepted from Lake Elmo Residents. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Conlin - based on the recommendation from the Solid Waste Advisory Committee, to accept <br />the rate structure as follows: Lake Elmo Residents $10 includes access to Clean -Up Day, Non -Residents <br />$25 and Local Commercial Companies $85. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />D. Administrator Kueffner reported the new Planner, Ann Terwedo, will start work on April 26, 1995. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Hunt - to adjourn the council meeting at 9:00 p.m. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />Resolution No. 95-34 Denying the Armstrong Request to Add Alternative Agricultural Use Regulations to <br />the Lake Elmo City Code <br />
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