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04-04-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-04-95 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 4, 1995. 3 <br />7. <br />A. Update on Oakdale's Section 32 Improvements which may affect Lake Elmo <br />Larry Bohrer understands that the property owners immediately west of Inwood Avenue, Decoster and <br />Schiltgen Estate, has a petition forthcoming that would cause this watermain on 4th Street between <br />Guardian Angels Drive and Inwood Avenue to be constructed in 1995, not in 1996. Also, there may be a <br />petition forthcoming from United Properties. The watermain to service Oakdale's needs would just have <br />to be an 8" size. If a petition is received by the City of Oakdale and they order the improvement, Bohrer <br />would-be recommending to Lake Elmo that this piece of watermain be upgraded from an 8" to a 12" size <br />which would be necessary for the interim connection to Lake Elmo. He may have more information to <br />bring to the council at the next meeting. <br />Surface Water Management Plan: <br />The City budgeted $10,000 a year for the next three years to develop a Surface Water Management Plan <br />for 1997. This was to be done in phases: in 1994, map all the existing drainage facilities, In 1995 <br />Identification of localized drainage problems that the city knows of and determine which of those should <br />be addressed in the local Surface Water Management Plan. <br />8. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />A. Resolution denying the Armstrong request for a Text Amendment to the Lake Elmo Municipal <br />Code relating to Alternative Ag <br />Attorney Filla provided a draft of a Resolution requested by the City Council on March 7, 1995. If the city <br />grants or denies a rezoning, a variance, or a conditional use permit, it must state its reasons and the <br />reasons should relate to the standards contained in the City's code. The City can adopt or repeal <br />legislation; or it can approve or deny request to adopt or repeal legislation without stating reasons based <br />upon the standards contained in the City's code. The adoption, repeal or amendment of legislation is a <br />discretionary matter to be exercised as the City Council deems appropriate. <br />The Planning Commission on February 27, 1995 continued its review of the Armstrong request to amend <br />its CUP for 60 days. This means that part of this application. should be back on the Planning Commission <br />agenda on or before April 27, 1995.. <br />Attorney Filla will fax his letter addressing the questions raised by the Armstrong's to the City on <br />Wednesday and also to the Armstrongs. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Hunt - to adopt Resolution No. 95-34, as amended (typographical error Section 1, Sub D, <br />June 2 should be June 21, 1994), a Resolution Denying the Armstrong Request to Add Alternative <br />Agricultural Use Regulations to the Lake Elmo City Code. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />Council member Conlin reported on the following: <br />At the last cable commission meeting there was discussion on the ongoing lawsuit pertaining to the <br />FCC former Executive Director. Karen Wandmacher spent time at the capitol with Representative Mark <br />Holsten for adopting legislation supporting passage of the Minnesota Emerging Communications Services <br />Act of 1995. On April 8, Senator Paul Wellstone will be at Oakdale City Hall featuring Talk of the Town. <br />Attended a special meeting on the Joint Powers Agreement draft and final comments should be in by <br />April 14, 1995. Rita suggested the City Attorney take a look at the draft plan. <br />Attended the Sensible Land Use Seminar which dealt with regional planning and provided <br />informational handouts to the Council. <br />
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