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Please let me know if there is any additional information that I can provide you. <br />Given the current political climate and the fiscal constraints at all levels of government, I <br />recognize that this is an especially difficult year for legislation such as ours. I greatly <br />appreciate your willingness to help us, the support that we have also received from Senator <br />Price and Senator Laidig, and the willingness of other legislators in the watershed district to <br />hear our case. <br />Respectfully, <br />y� <br />I Peter Zetterberg'' <br />President, Valley Branch Watershed District <br />8018 Hill Trail N. <br />Lake Elmo, MN 55042 <br />days: 626-0577 <br />evenings: 770-2414 <br />c: Managers, Valley Branch Watershed District <br />Representative Peg Larsen <br />Representative Walter Perlt <br />Representative Harry Mares <br />Senator Gary Laidig <br />Senator Leonard Price <br />