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04-04-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-04-95 CCM
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March 22, 1995 <br />The Honorable Mark Holsten <br />253 State Office Building <br />St. Paul, MN 55155 <br />Dear Representative Holsten: <br />On behalf of the managers of the Valley Branch Watershed District, I want to thank you for <br />agreeing to serve as House sponsor for the special legislation to increase the Valley Branch <br />Watershed District's administrative fund levy cap from $125,000 to $200,000. As you know, <br />Senators Price and Laidig have already co -sponsored the legislation in the Senate. <br />I am enclosing three pieces of relevant information. <br />The first enclosure provides some background about the district and its current financial <br />situation. In 1993 and again in 1994 we spent well in excess of $125,000 in carrying out our <br />basic responsibilities, despite the fact that we operate as frugally as possible (e.g. we have no <br />permanent staff and no office space). We have an actual budget deficit of more than $40,000 <br />and an operating deficit of more than $100,000. Our projected expenditures for 1995 will <br />again exceed $125,000. <br />We obviousl', cannot continue operating in this fashion. If the levy cap is not increased, our <br />only alternative will be to curtail our operations significantly, leaving the district's citizens <br />without certain services and forcing the cities and townships in the district to assume other <br />responsibilities and the associated costs. Nearly all of cities and townships currerdly rely <br />heavily on the watershed district. Oakdale is the only city in the watershed district with its <br />own surface water management plan. <br />The second enclosure is a list of watershed districts in the metropolitan area. As indicated, of <br />the nine established watershed districts, all but the Valley Branch Watershed District have had <br />their levy caps increased to $200,000 through special legislation. <br />The third enclosure is a letter from the Washington County Board of Commissioners to the <br />Washington County legislative delegation supporting our effort to increase the levy cap. <br />J. PETER ZETTERBERG GORDON C. MOOSBRUGGER DAVID PARKIN RAY BRENNER JAMES BUELOW <br />VALLEY BRANCH WATERSHED DISTRICT <br />P.O. BOX 838 LAKE ELMO, MINNESOTA 55042-0538 <br />
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