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05-02-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-02-95 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 2, 1995 2 <br />Sue Dunn, who worked on the Washington County Comp Plan, expressed concern that implementation <br />of the County's proposed comprehensive plan would mean increased costs for the residents of Lake <br />Elmo. She outlined some proposals that the county intended to pursue such as additional land <br />acquisition on 1 Oth Street and conversion of Highway Rd 5 from State to County jurisdiction. She asked <br />the council to be more sensitive when they push costs onto residents. Dunn requested the City engineer <br />review the location of the "Dead -End" sign and "No Outlet" sign on Upper 33rd Street and asked why <br />there wasn't a Weight Restriction sign posted and weight restrictions enforced on this street. <br />2. Update on meeting with Design Team Steering Committee <br />Three members from the MN Design Team visited Lake Elmo on April 19 to screen our application for a <br />fall visit. They were interested in evidence of resident and business support to ensure that their time <br />could not be more usefully applied to another application. The team emphasized that they regarded <br />themselves as facilitators to help the residents focus on what was important, what was common ground <br />and to develop a ground swell of support for a future planning direction that the City should take. They <br />made it clear that their function was to provide an analysis of residents' input that would result in creating <br />a local team for defining and developing a plan that was endorsed by the majority. The result will not be <br />known until the three Design Team members present their recommendations to the selection committee <br />which meets on May 10. Results are expected by May 12. The other Cities also applying for a visit are <br />Houston and Northfield. <br />Lake Elmo Residents Honored: <br />Two Lake Elmo residents, Kelly Brockman, (former owner of Brookman Motors and a former Lake Elmo <br />Mayor) and Rosalie Wall (retired Supreme Court Justice) were honored with awards from the Lake Elmo <br />Jaycees. The awards were given on April 25 at the Lake Elmo Jaycee's Annual Distinguished Service <br />awards banquet which was jointly hosted by the Stillwater Area Chamber of Commerce's Small Business <br />Development Committee and the Stillwater Jaycees. <br />3. Invitation to City Council from Lake Elmo Elementary School <br />The Council received an invitation to attend "The Logger's Life" written by fourth grade students from <br />Mrs. Hild's and Mr. Taverna's class with Mr. Peulen. The musical will be held on Thursday, May 18, Lake <br />Elmo School Gym with performances at 6:15 and 7:30 p.m. <br />5. OLD BUSINESS: <br />A. Letter from Minnesota Board of Water & Soil Resources <br />The City received a letter from the Minnesota Board of Water & Soil Resources indicating the city is one <br />of the parties requesting that BOWSR hold a hearing on the revised watershed plan for Valley Branch <br />Watershed District prior to the BOWSR's decision on approval of said plan. One of the issues presented <br />in the plan is how the runoff from the Olson Lake Estates Pond will be addressed. The VBWD has agreed <br />to revise the plan to identify a preferred option, Option 3, described as "a pipe system leading south along <br />Olson Lake Trail, then Hidden Bay Trail, cut southeast across Pebble Park to Lake Jane Trail and <br />following Lake Jane Trail to Structure 9." If the City feels a hearing must be held, they have to re -certify <br />their request for a hearing and state what specific part or parts of the plan they are concerned with. <br />Also, the Council received a copy of a letter from Gordy Grundeen to BOWSR asking the deadline for a <br />hearing request be extended to June 1st so the residents surrounding Lake Olson can evaluate "Option <br />3" that describes a piping system that carries the discharge water from Olson Lake Estates Pond to <br />Structure 9. <br />M/S/P John/Johnston - to direct the city staff to respond to BOWSR to request they hold a public hearing <br />to discuss the revised watershed plan for Valley Branch Watershed District. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />
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