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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 2, 1995 <br />B. Water Surface Ordinance <br />The city submitted a proposed Water Surface Use Ordinance to the Minnesota Department of Natural <br />Resources last October. There has been no word from the DNB's office. According to the law, the <br />failure of the DNR to notify any governmental unit of the acceptance or denial of its proposal within 120 <br />days will be considered as approval. <br />M/S/P John/Conlin - to adopt Ordinance 8112, an Ordinance relating to Water Surface Use and publish <br />the Ordinance in the City's Newsletter and include DNR regulations and where they can be obtained and <br />direct the staff to install receptacles for holding copies of the water surface use ordinance at all the public <br />lake landings. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Councilman DeLapp suggested installing signs stating the five lake rules. Administrator Kueffner felt the <br />staff could put something together for the next council meeting. <br />At the last meeting the Council received a petition from Lake Jane residents indicating their concern <br />about the increase in noise pollution from jet skis and airplanes on the lake during the summer. Donna <br />Meyer, one of the residents that signed the petition, voiced these concerns and did not feel calling the <br />Sheriff Department was enough. <br />The Council had various suggestions; such as, DNR do periodic checkpoints on the lake to catch <br />violators; setting up of a committee comprised of resident and representatives of the City Council, <br />Sheriff's Dept. and the DNR to explain the rules, discuss the problems, and come up with a modified <br />water surface use ordinance; and invite Mark Caroon, Washington County Sheriff's Dept., to talk to the <br />Tri-Lakes Assoc. specifically to these ordinances. <br />15th Street Maintenance: <br />Larry Bohrer reported there is rutting in the road and gravel in the ditches. (1) Loss of Gravel: In the <br />public works portion of the budget there is money for maintenance. Gravel will be ordered and placed <br />after road restrictions. (2) Gravel accidentally placed in ditches because of snowplowing:Not interfering <br />with drainage of ditches. It does make mowing difficult and dangerous. Bohrer is concerned about <br />sending a crew out to rake a road ditch. Bohrer will call up the concerned homeowner and explain the <br />situation and get input. If the Maintenance Dept. cleans up the gravel, they will tear up the turf. Sue <br />Dunn suggested contacting Community Service workers to do this work. <br />Upper 33rd Street <br />Gene Markgraf, 11002 Upper 33d St., stated that in the last five years since the Michigan has been used, <br />it has torn up a large piece of asphalt and damaged the road. <br />6. PLANNING/LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Resolution No. 95- 37, Final Plat of Lake Elmo Heights 3rd Addition <br />Preliminary plat approval for the subdivision of a 93.15 ace parcel into 27 single family lots and a 6.6 acre <br />City park was approved by the Planning Commission on March 13, 1995 and the City Council on March <br />21, 1995. The Final Plat was approved by the Planning Commission on April 24, 1995. Larry Bohrer <br />reviewed the plat and is satisfied that the Plat meets the three conditions stated in his letters dated <br />February 23 and April 20, 1995. <br />The Council received a letter from Joe Lux, Washington County Public Works, indicating they find the <br />location of 26th Street to be acceptable and will work to ensure that the design for reconstruction of <br />CSAH13, now scheduled for 1996, will increase safety at the intersection. <br />