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05-02-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-02-95 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 2, 1995 4. <br />There was discussion on a proposed right-of-way easement in the NW corner of Lots 9 and 10 to tie in <br />with ideal Avenue North. Mike Black explained the intention is to create an easement document that <br />would give a permanent roadway easement to the City of Lake Elmo and record it prior to the plat. Then <br />the future buyers of Lot 9 and 10 would be aware of this easement. He had totally disagreed with <br />building a road through that wetland and connecting Ideal Avenue, but felt this was the direction of the <br />City. <br />Attorney Filla explained the way this is structured there would be a separate easement to the city of Lake <br />Elmo. In the future if we were approached by Oakdale, the City would have the right-of-way to give as a <br />part of the road project. If Oakdale wanted to condemn property within Lake Elmo for that purpose, they <br />would need Lake Elmo's consent. Property owners can convey easements to the adjoining city if they <br />chose to do so. An adjoining City cannot extend their improvements to Lake Elmo without the city's <br />approval. <br />M/S/F John/Hunt - that the right-of-way easement in the northwest corner should be included in the final <br />plat. (Motion failed 2-3:Conlin, Johnston, DeLapp). <br />M/S/F Hunt/DeLapp - that the city council accepts the Final Plat for Lake Elmo Heights 3rd Addition <br />without 27th Street going through. (Motion failed 0-5). <br />Council member Conlin pointed out there is a trailer with multicolored flags sitting on the middle of the <br />cul-de-sac, and she has a concern with traffic if they have open houses. Black explained the trailer <br />belongs to one of the interested builders who has a hold on a number of lots for the purpose of <br />marketing. The Council looked at this as construction traffic and 27th Street will not be used for <br />construction traffic. <br />Donna Siegler lives on the cul-de-sac on 27th Street and asked if this street goes through who pays for <br />redoing the cul-de-sac and the yard. Black stated their construction plans call for removal of the cul-de- <br />sac and will replace the yards and driveways to match the existing conditions and resurface that portion <br />of the street that will be torn up. <br />M/S/P John/ DeLapp - to adopt the Resolution No. 95-37 approving the Final Plat for Lake Elmo Heights <br />3rd Addition as presented, conditioned on the following: <br />1. The applicant meets conditions set forth by the Valley Branch Watershed District in its letter of <br />February 24, 1995. <br />2. The applicant meets the conditions set forth by the City Engineer in his letters dated February 23, <br />1995 and April 20, 1995. <br />3. The applicant meets the conditions set forth by the City Planner in his letter dated February 22, 1995. <br />4. The applicant provides a revised landscape plan, with the final plat that is consistent with City <br />landscape regulations, with the discretion of the placement on the landscaping requirements of the <br />individual lots should compliment what the individual property owner wants as long as it is in compliance <br />with the City regulations. Responsibility to comply with the ordinance rests with the developer. <br />5. The park land dedication as shown on the preliminary plat, and cash combination to meet the City <br />Code requirements be accepted by the City as recommended by the Parks Commission. <br />6. 27th Street North shall not be used for construction, install a temporary barricade, and be so signed <br />for construction traffic, including Innsdale Avenue N. <br />
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