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05-24-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-24-95 CCM
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MINUTES APPROVED: 6-6-95 <br />LAKE ELMO SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING <br />MAY 24, 1995 <br />Mayor John called the special meeting to order at 6:10 p.m. for the purpose of <br />discussing the Lake Elmo Heights 3rd Addition Right-of-way Easement (West side of <br />Lot 10 and NW corner of Lot 9). PRESENT: Hunt, Conlin, John, Johnston, DeLapp <br />and Administrator Kueffner. <br />1. AGENDA <br />ADD: 3. Review quote from Up Time <br />M/S/P Hunt/Conlin - to approve the May 24, 1995 City Council agenda as amended <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />2. Lake Elmo Heights 3rd Addition Right -of -Way Easement <br />The City Council received a letter from Attorney Filla, dated May 19, 1995 indicating he <br />is incorrect in stating that one City may not condemn property beyond its borders <br />without the consent of the City in which the property is located. A condemning authority <br />may acquire an interest in private property in Lake Elmo without the City of Lake Elmo's <br />consent. A condemning authority could acquire an interest in property which has <br />already been dedicated for public use if the two public uses are not inconsistent or if <br />there is a judicial determination that the condemning authority's proposed use has a <br />priority over the use for which the land is currently dedicated to the public. It would-be <br />more difficult for a condemning authority to acquire an interest in property which had <br />already been exclusively dedicated to Lake Elmo for an appropriate public purpose. <br />M/S/ Hunt/John - that the City of Lake Elmo accept the original easement presented by <br />Royal Oaks on the Final Plat of Lake Elmo Heights 3rd Addition <br />Council member Conlin stated this shows you what Oakdale is capable of. If we <br />wouldn't have moved ahead and made this an RE development, most assuredly, you <br />would be dealing with an Oakdale development in at this point. This road that they <br />want enough to go through condemnation would have assured that the annexation <br />would have occurred. We seem to be living with big mistakes in City planning that date <br />back 15-20 years, and they have a negative effect on the City. This is one of the <br />reasons why she pushed so hard to have an in-house planner so we can be ahead of <br />the game, The only way I can vote for this motion is contingent upon Oakdale agreeing. <br />to using that easement only. If Oakdale doesn't agree, that indicates they want to go <br />for the whole road. <br />
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