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05-24-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-24-95 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING MAY 24, 1995 <br />Council member Johnston indicated she hated being forced into a position of solving <br />another City's street problem that really should not concern the City of Lake Elmo in <br />any way along our borders. Being backed into the corner, this seems the least <br />damaging way to try to work it out. <br />M/S/ Conlin/Johnston - to amend the motion to include contingent upon Oakdale <br />agreeing to use that easement alone from Lake Elmo land <br />Councilman Hunt would like to take the exclusive easement and then go and talk to <br />Oakdale and see what we can work out to mitigate the problems to Lake Elmo. <br />Mayor John didn't think you can vote in one direction contingent on a decision which <br />has not yet been communicated to us from Oakdale. He suggested we take the <br />easement, as is, and approach the city of Oakdale. Oakdale could use that easement <br />to produce their plans for the route out of Helmo which does not encroach on the <br />properties of the northwestern portion of Lake Elmo Heights 3rd Addition. If that route <br />shows that it does, then we would have to resist it. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Johnston - to withdraw contingency. (Motion passed 5- 0). <br />Councilman DeLapp suggested added Findings of Fact to interpret why the Council is <br />taking this action because we are not seeing any benefit to the City of Lake Elmo by <br />either of these possibilities. <br />M/S/P Conlint/Johnston - that the City of lake Elmo accepts the original right-of-way <br />easement (west side of Lot 10 & NW corner of Lot 9) presented by Royal Oaks on the <br />Final Plat of Lake Elmo Heights 3rd Addition based on the following Findings: (Motion <br />passed 5-0). <br />1. The exit from Helmo has been in Oakdale's Comp Plan for some time even though it <br />disagrees with Lake Elmo's long range plans. <br />2. The Washington County Public works Dept. require a right-of-way on the centerline <br />of Ideal for exiting Helmo Avenue at Stillwater Blvd. <br />3. Acceptance of this easement will enable Lake Elmo to minimize the impact or <br />intrusion on Lake Elmo land and permit the City of Lake Elmo to remain a participant in <br />the design and construction process of any road. <br />4. The easement at the NW corner of Lot 9 and West side of Lot 10 was specifically <br />requested by the City of Oakdale to meet their needs for exiting an extended Helmo <br />Avenue at Stillwater Blvd. <br />
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