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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 20, 1995 2 <br />Administrator Kueff nor drafted an ordinance adding Section 1002.050 Temporary Parking permit allowing <br />for parking of residential passenger vehicles, not boat trailers, within a No Parking zone for a period not to <br />exceed 24 consecutive hours. <br />WS/P John/DeLapp - to adopt Ordinance 8121, Ordinance amending Section 1002.040 Parking <br />Prohibited of the Lake Elmo City Code and adding Section 1002.050 Temporary Parking Permit to the <br />Lake Elmo City Code. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />C. Renay Leone, Minnesota Land Trust <br />Renay Leone, Executive Director of the Minnesota Land Trust, explained the MN Land Trust is a <br />membership based, non-profit organization, dedicated to preserving open space in Minnesota. - <br />Information on Conservation, Easements, and Cluster Housing was submitted. <br />D. Results of Cimarron Grant Request <br />Floyd Olson stated there is no action needed by the Council at this time, but he will fax the bill that goes <br />with the grant before a letter is written by the City. <br />5. OLD BUSINESS: <br />A. Update on negotiations with Washington County on Landfill Park <br />Based on the meeting the Mayor and City Administrator had with representatives from Washington <br />County in the afternoon, Mayor John presented a handout on Replacement Values for the relocation to a <br />15 acre site and replacement of the maintenance site. The City's request for a total of $432,400 would <br />be the bare minimum Lake Elmo needs to relocate the maintenance building and the compost site to a 15 <br />acre site. This figure also includes an additional bay for the Fire Hall which the City plans to build in the <br />future. <br />Ramsey and Washington Counties' proposed a payment to the City of $150,000 which would cover <br />$10,000 in improvements the city made to the fire station and the costs of the compost site. Washington <br />County Board Chair, Mary Hauser, said their money offer Is reasonable and would also reimburse Lake <br />Elmo for the land purchased and for the restricted use of the maintenance building site. <br />Lake Elmo disagrees with Washington County on the possible uses of the site. The City wants to vacate <br />the site and relocate the buildings; however, the county contends that portions of the property are still <br />valuable. According to the county's proposal, the city could own 4.4 acres for the maintenance buildings, <br />which the MPCA has deemed safe for workers. However, the City says it needs at least 10 acres for the <br />maintenance department to function. The additional 41.5 acres could be designated park land adjacent <br />to Sunfish Park, The Council was not convinced that anyone can pinpoint the exact location of the fill <br />area and are particularly concerned about the health and safety of their maintenance workers. <br />In order for Washington and Ramsey counties to start. getting $4 million in state funds for past cleanup <br />expenses, they must reach an agreement by June 20; otherwise, they won't be eligible for funds this <br />year. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency must waft for the settlement to be reached before it can <br />take over the site to cap the fill and install a new methane gas extraction system. <br />Councilman DeLapp asked for replacement figures for commercial land from Frank Langer, City <br />Assessor, and invite Dan Olinger to explain the functioning of the process and Larry Bohrer to a special <br />meeting. <br />M/S/P HunUDeLapp - to call a special meeting for Friday, June 23,1995, 4:30 p.m., City Hall, for the <br />purpose of discussing negotiations with Washington and Ramsey Counties on the take Jane Landfill and <br />add a second agenda item as Other. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />