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06-20-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-20-95 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 20, 1995 <br />B. Options to resolve late council meetings (Postpone until July 18 Council meeting) <br />l C. Outstanding Citizen Awards (Postpone until July 18 Council meeting) <br />D. Assessor's comments on non -buildable lots <br />This item is deferred to the July 18, 1995 meeting and a meeting notice will be sent to the affected <br />property owners. <br />6. PLANNING/LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. CASE NO. CPA/95-20 & ZAW95-21 Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning ISD #622 <br />Elementary/Middle School Oakdale/Lake Elmo <br />The Planning Commission held a public hearing on this request at its June 12, 1995 meeting and <br />approved a comprehensive plan amendmentalong with a zoning map amendment for athletic fields for a <br />new elementary/middle school which is being built in the City of Oakdale. <br />At the Planning Commission meeting, ThomasG. Armstrong submitted a letter regarding his request for <br />Installing fencing around the perimeter of the site. The representatives of ATS&R Architects, <br />representing the school district, would prefer not to place a fence around the perimeter of the site. <br />Attorney Filla did not recommend the City attach a fence as a condition of approving the comprehensive <br />plan amendment. If you are going to add conditions to the rezoning, it should be because you have some <br />data indicating to you that it is a necessary condition to allow such a use reasonably in that zoning <br />category. He has not see any data indicating a perimeter fence should be a necessary condition of the <br />rezoning. Tom Armstrong provided pictures showing the lake which is about 60' from the propertyllne <br />and asked I there was any way the council could address their concern for the safety of the children <br />would be appreciated. During the Site and Plan review, the Commission can address the fence and <br />baliflelds which have the potential of lights and bud speakers. <br />M/S/P John/Hunt - to adopt Ordinance 8116 amending Section 301.070 0.14 (Zoning Map) of the 1979 <br />Lake Elmo Municipal Code rezoning the described parcel ISD #622 (The west had of the Southwest <br />quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 28, Township 29, Range 21, Washington County, Minnesota; <br />excepting therefrom Parcels 1 and 6 of Washington County right-of-way Plat No. 88; subject to <br />easements of record) from Rural Residential to Public based on the (PF) Public Facilities Zoning District <br />designation for this parcel implements the Lake Elmo Comprehensive Plan and its policies and the (PF) <br />Public Facilities Zoning District meets the intent of Section 301.020 of the Lake Elmo City Code because <br />the project provides for the orderly growth and renewal for the community, subject to approval of this <br />minor amendment by the Metropolitan Council. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P John/Johnston - to adopt Resolution No. 95-40 amending the Future Land Use Map of the 1990 <br />Lake Elmo Comprehensive Plan changing the Future Land Use of the property described above for <br />Independent School District #622 from RAD to Public (P) based on the following. findings: (1) The school <br />and athletic facilities will serve residents of Lake Elmo since School District #622 serves the City of Lake <br />Elmo, (2) School District #622 and Oakdale are other governmental units of government providing public <br />facilities, (3) the (PF) Public Facilities Zoning District designation for this parcel implements the Lake <br />Elmo Comprehensive Plan and its policies, (4) The (PF) Public Facilities Zoning District meets the Intent <br />of Section 301.020 of the Lake Elmo City Code because the project provides for the orderly growth and <br />renewal for the community. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />
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