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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 20, 1995 <br />7, CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: None <br />8. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />A. Hammes Mining <br />The League of Minnesota Cities will be defending the City on the Hammes Sand & Gravel lawsuit. <br />B. Form of Litigation, Outside Storage Issues <br />The City has had problems with people who maintain their sites as a nuisance and the question raised <br />was how should we proceed with those individuals. Fills. wanted to talk to the Council before he <br />commences civil litigation, because based on experience on current violations of this type, the City has <br />found the criminal process does not work. He has drafted a sample complaint that could be used which <br />declares a property to be a public nuisance and the property owner will be notified and given 5 days to <br />comply. If the property owner does not comply, a complaint would be filed. The Council was in favor of <br />adopting the resolution provided. <br />WS/P Hunt/DeLapp - to adopt Resolution 95.43 declaring that the presence of the described items on <br />the exterior of the home, located at 8085 Hill Trail N., is a public nuisance and hereby orders the property <br />owner to abate all public nuisances on the property pursuant to Lake Elmo Code Section 1501.060 within <br />five days of service of a copy of this Resolution, (Motion passed 5-0). <br />9. QITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Mayor John reported on the Minnesota League Conference he attended in Duluth, MN. <br />10. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Resolution 95-42 Joint Powers Agreement for Dakota County Consortium (Includes Washington <br />County) <br />The City received a letter from Nathas Marsten, Special Projects Coordinator, Washington County <br />Housing and Redevelopment Authority, requesting the City to enter into the Joint Powers Agreement in <br />order to be eligible to receive HOME Funds in their community. This year's Joint Powers Agreement will <br />remain eligible for three years; therefore, this issue will not arise again until 1998. <br />M/S/P Johnston/John - to adopt Resolution No. 95-42 Authorizing the execution of a Joint Powers <br />Consortium Agreement and direct the Mayor and City Administrator to sign the Joint Powers Agreement. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />s. Job Training Service:Summer help through Washington County <br />Washington County Job Training Center is funding the 1995 Summer Youth Employment Program with <br />approximate dates for employment from June 15 through September 1, 1995. The youth will be, paid the <br />state minimum wage of $4.25 per hour and will be eligible to work 8 hours per day with a maximum of 40 <br />hours per week. Michelle Pye, a Stillwater resident and college student at St. Kates was referred to the <br />City, interviewed, and is qualified to fill the job of Office Aide. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Hunt - to hire Michelle Pye, 1120 Curve Crest Blvd. W., Stillwater, at $4.26 per hour, 40 <br />hours per week, from June 19-September 1, 1995 funded through the Washington County Job Training <br />Center, 1995 Summer Youth Employment Program. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />