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06-20-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-20-95 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 20, 1995 5 <br />D. Ordinance amending width of driveways <br />WS/P Hunt/Johnston - to adopt Ordinance 8118, Ordinance amending Section 1602.070A. Width of <br />Driveway in the Residential and Commercial Zoning Districts. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />M/S/P Johnston/John - to adopt Ordinance 8119, Ordinance amending Section 1602.030 APPLICATION, <br />Driveways. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />E. Ordinance amending length of cul-de-sacs <br />M/S/P HunttJohn - to adopt Ordinance 8120, as amended, (ADD sentence to 1 a: The City Planner shall <br />review the status of the temporary cul-de-sac every three years.) amending Section 401.3808. of the <br />Lake Elmo Municipal Code relating to the Length of cul-de-sacs, (Motion passed 5-0). <br />F. Lot Line Adjustment, 10174 Stillwater Lane, Robert Tavema <br />Robert Taverna, 10174 Stillwater Lane, will be requesting a lot line adjustment to correct a sideyard <br />setback concern. Two different drawings accomplishing this lot line adjustment were offered for Council <br />direction. The Council preferred Option 1 which would result in parcels with straight property lines. . <br />G. Request for placement of buoys on Lake Jane:Justin Bloyer <br />Justin Bloyer, 8881 Jane Rd N., has applied for a permit to place buoys for a slalom ski course on Lake <br />Jane in order to practice for regional and national competition. The Washington County Sheriff's Dept. <br />has been contacted and Deputy Mark Caroon has approved the permit. <br />Attorney Filla pointed out the Washington County's water surface use application with the stated <br />conditions is not appropriate for a slalom course. He would not recommend City approval of a permit that <br />the applicant cannot comply with. Filla suggested a detailed diagram be submitted showing the number <br />and location of buoys, outline dimension of course and distance from shore and dock, and assurance this <br />course will be in compliance with the city and county water surface use ordinance. The Council raised the <br />following questions: Are these annual permits and renewable every year and is the "shore" a specific <br />location or does it depend on the high water mark. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Conlin - to postpone consideration of Justin Bloyer's application for placement of buoys for a <br />slalom course until the June 23, 1993 special meeting, 4:30 p.m., the first agenda Item, in order to <br />receive a more detailed diagram of the slalom course and receive clarification on procedure from the <br />Washington County Sheriff's Dept. (Motion passed 5-0), <br />WS/P HunUJohnston - to direct the staff to design a Lake Elmo permit application for placement of a raft, <br />buoy(s) or other structures on the waters of this City including the requirement of a drawing be submitted <br />showing location, number of buoys or rafts. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Request for placement of raft on Lake Jane: Wyn John <br />Wyn John, 8883 Jane Rd N., has applied for permission to locate a swim raft 1 00'from shore of Lake <br />Jane at a point opposite to his boat dock. Mr. John removed himself from the council and sat in the <br />audience as the applicant. Council member Johnston chaired the meeting. Mark Caroon, Washington <br />County Deputy, had no problem with the application and approved the permit. <br />M/S/P HunUDeLapp - to postpone consideration of Wyn John's application for placement of a raft until the <br />June 23, 1994 special council meeting, 4:30 p.m., as the second agenda item, in order to receive a <br />diagram of location of raft and clarification on procedure from Washington County Sheriff's Dept. (Motion <br />passed 5-0), <br />
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