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07-18-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-18-95 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 18, 1995 <br />6. PLANNING DEPARTMENT <br />A. CASE NO:SPR/95-25 Site and Plan Review - ISD 622 Elementary/Middle School Athletic <br />Complex <br />The Council received a site and plan review by the City planner, a landscape site plan submitted by P. <br />Snyder, and a letter, dated June 11, 1995, from Thomas G. Armstrong indicating his concern about the <br />liability of the adjacent property owner regarding trespassing on his property and requesting a chain link <br />fence be constructed along the entire length of the boundary line. <br />This site incudes 20 acres in Lake Elmo with an athletic facility including 3 soccer/softball fields, tennis . <br />courts, a small portion of a service road for a loading dock of the school and a wetland. A 201,000 sq. ft. <br />elementary and middle school will be built on the site in Oakdale. The site plan was reviewed by the City <br />of Oakdale for consistency with their land use, comprehensive plan and development regulations. <br />A landscape plan, ATS&R Project Number 94076, was submitted by Paul Snyder of ATS&R Architects, <br />showing a variety of tree species and native prairie grass planted around the perimeter of the site. There <br />Is no lighting proposed for the ballfields/soccer fields. <br />The City Planner and the Planning Commission recommended approval and found the site plan is <br />consistent with the Lake Elmo Comprehensive Plan Land Use designation and zoning regulations. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Johnston - to approve the site plan for the new ISD #622 Elementary/Middle School Athletic <br />Complex located north of 10th Street, South of 15th Street and West of Hilo Avenue. (Motion passed 5- <br />0). <br />B. CASE NO.:SPR/95-24 Site and Plan Review - Cimarron Park replacement of garages <br />Jim Anderson of Chateau Properties (Cimarron Park) is requesting approval to replace two old storage <br />buildings with new, updated structures. The new structures will be placed in the same location as the old <br />ones. A demolition permit has been issued and a building permit will be necessary for reconstruction. At <br />their July 10, 1995, meeting, the Planning Commission discussed color, and conceded that the accessory <br />structures should be compatible with the main structure (club house) which is light gray. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt - to approve the Site and Plan, as presented, for the replacement of two <br />maintenance garages (36' x 36' and 30' x 50' In size) as recommended by the Planning Commission on <br />July 10, 1995, with evergreen trees planted to create a buffer around the replacement garage on the west <br />side of the property. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />C. CASE NO:SUBN/95-19 Preliminary Plat of Torre Pines <br />The Council received a preliminary plat review by the City Planner on Torre Pines/Royal Oaks Realty, <br />Mike Black, a letter dated July 11, 1995 from Royal Oaks Realty, the City Engineer's Report dated June <br />1, 1996 and a letter from Thomas G. Armstrong requesting the developer to construct a fence to protect <br />homeowners from trespassers passing through his property and wandering on to their lots. <br />At the June 26, 1995 meeting, the Planning Commission made a motion that failed (3 ayes/3 nays), to <br />approve the Torre Pines preliminary plat subject to a list of seven conditions. All three dissenting votes <br />stated that they could not support the variance to the 3:1 lot depth to width ratio. Four lots along the west <br />side of the development exceeded the 3:1 ratio. Mike Black stated their request to allow four lots along <br />the west side of Torre Pines to exceed the 3:1 lot depth to width ratio will in no way be detrimental to the <br />public or adjacent property owners. These extra deep lots will provide an excellent natural buffer <br />between the rural low density residential setting of Torre Pines from the sewered suburban development <br />in the City of Oakdale. The need for the variance relief is due to the westerly 16 acres of the property <br />
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