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07-18-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
07-18-95 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 18, 1995 4 <br />system lead South along Olson Lake Trail, then at Hidden Bay Trail cut Southeast across Pebble Park to <br />Lake Jane Trail, and next follows Lake Jane Trail to the manhole structure south of Crombie Pond. <br />Almost the entire pipe system can be constructed in pubic right-of-way and public park land. <br />AD VALOREM TAXES:The costs of this improvement will be paid by an ad valorem tax on all property in <br />the District, as provided by Minnesota Statues Section 10313.251. The total estimated cost of the <br />improvement is $625,000. Approximately 95 1/2% will be allocated to Washington County and 4 1/2% to <br />Ramsey County, said allocation to be based upon assessed valuation. <br />M/S/P Conlin/DeLapp - to direct the City Administrator to send a letter to the VBWD for the July 31, 1995 <br />public hearing Indicating Lake Elmo and Its residents' support the storm sewer by-pass project, but object <br />to the method of financing. The City opposes the ad valorem tax over the entire VBWD and opposes <br />paying any assessments when there is no special assessment for those who will benefit the most. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />Mayor John will attend the July 31, 1996 VBWD meeting and present the city's letter. <br />G. Water Levels on Lakes <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt - that instruction be given to the Lake Elmo Public Works to establish water levels in <br />conjunction with the City Engineer so we do have a reliable method of measuring water levels on these <br />lakes; otherwise; the ordinance in place is meaningless. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />5. OLD BUSINESS: <br />A. Assessments for PuOic Improvements on unimproved lots <br />Administrator Kueffner has checked on assessment policies in other communities, in particular, as it <br />relates to unimproved or unbuildable lots. <br />HUGO:assesses on a front footage basis regardless of whether a lot is buildable or not. <br />SCANDIA: assesses a flat amount for a building site and have-not yet had to deal with unimproved or <br />unbuildable lots. <br />MAHTOMEDI: assesses on a front footage basis regardless of whether a lot is buildable or not. <br />Administrator Kueffner explained special assessments reflect the influence of a special local improvement <br />on the value of specific property. No matter what method the city uses to establish the amount of the <br />assessment, the real measure of benefits is the increase In the market value of the land as a result of the <br />improvement. There is a benefit to the lake lots that are used for recreational purposes whether they can <br />be built on or not. <br />Information on assessment policies has been requested from the League of MN Cities . Also, information <br />on special assessment deferral policy will be obtained. This item will be continued to the next meeting. <br />Sue Horning suggested the use on the lot should be looked at, not whether its a buildable lot or not <br />B. Update on meeting with Washington County regarding Landfill property <br />M/S/P Hunt/John - to direct the staff to put together a proposal to the Counties that again we are willing to <br />continue to negotiate, meditate, or enter Into binding arbitration with them in this matter. A copy of this <br />letter be sent to the PCA with a cover letter stating that it is the intent of Lake Elmo to work out any <br />differences with the Counties as quick a manner as possible, and we are more than willing to sit down in <br />negotiation sessions, mediation sessions, or arbitration sessions to get this resolved as quickly as we can <br />without going to court. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />
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