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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL AGENDA AUGUST 15, 1995 <br />with Mr. Siedow on August 14th and walked the area and found evidence that dirty water was <br />flowing through, but no sediment deposit on the grass. It appeared water had gotten around <br />some of the fences along Inwood Avenue. Royal Oaks Realty was called and those measures <br />were taken care of today. In a swale adjacent to Siedow's property, there appears to be an <br />area where the turf is gone. Royal Oaks Realty is willing to replace sod in those areas. <br />Bohrer could not agree with Mr. Siedow that more water was running off this area than before <br />because the area had not been changed and turf conditions are going to be better with gravel <br />as opposed to corn. <br />C. Resurfacing Project on Jane Road <br />Larry Bohrer reported there are some new catch basins being constructed along the edge of <br />road, new drainage going to Lake Jane that hasn't gone there before and overheads were <br />shown of two areas where a catch basin was built over the storm sewer pipe as a safety <br />improvement to eliminate a deep hole. There is no water added or taken away, just a different <br />means of getting water into a culvert. Where there was an opportunity to take water away <br />from the road or away from the lake, he took that opportunity and showed an example. <br />Bohrer is still working on the drainage problem at the west end where Jane Road connects to <br />Jamaca Avenue and will be contacting the neighbors involved when he gets the information <br />together. <br />Sue Horning asked where they put in the three catch basins south of Kiesling's property why <br />were they not put into the storm sewer? Bohrer responded the drainage work we are doing is <br />simply conveying the water that went to Lake Jane anyway in a safer or more efficient <br />manner. He didn't know if there is enough elevation drop to get water from that area to the <br />storm sewers. <br />PUBLIC INQUIRY:Sue Dunn stated she was upset because when she came home from <br />work and found her street (Upper 33rd St.) staked out and she had asked the city to please <br />advise them before the project started. Mayor John and Larry Bohrer will set up a meeting <br />with the Dunns and Markgrafs. <br />5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />A. Reschedule CR13 Workshop and replace with Workshop on Budget <br />The City Council suggested Sept. 5, 5 p.m. or August 29 at 7 p.m. to hold discussion on <br />County Rd 13 if representatives from Washington County are available. A budget workshop is <br />scheduled for August 22 at 5 p.m.. The City Council and Planning Commission will attend a <br />public forum to discuss "The Metropolitan Livable Communities Act of 1995" at the <br />Metropolitan Council. At the August 28th Planning Commission meeting, there will be a joint <br />workshop between the cc/pz to discuss clustering. <br />