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OFFICER'S CERTIFICATION <br />(Form must be provided to municipal clerk on or before August 1, 1995) <br />the officers of the &4-E — �GMD Firefighters Relief Association, state that the accompanying <br />sl--,dules have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of Minn. Stat. § 69.772, subd. 4. The average amount <br />of available financing per member of the special fund for the past three years is . Further, benefit levels <br />have been established in accordance with the average amount of available financing, as is required by Minnesota law. <br />We certify that the financial requirements of the relief association special fund for 1996 purposes of required <br />municipal contribution is $ /t .T`/& <br />President <br />Signature of Secretary <br />tgnatur' of Treasurer <br />Date <br />Date <br />L / S rzf' <br />Date <br />CLERK'S CERTIFICATION <br />41a the cl rk of I have received the completed Office of State Auditor ScheduleI&II from <br />Zv Relief Association on1995. I have reviewed Section 2, line 8, 12 and 18 <br />chedule II. 'If line 12 or 18 reflects a require municipal contribution, I certify that I will advise the governing <br />municipal body at it's next regularly scheduled meeting. If the Certification of the Officers discloses that the By—laws have <br />been amended or benefits have increased and lino 12 or 18 reflect a required municipal contribution, I certify that the <br />governing municipal board passed a resolution approving of the increase or change in by—laws. I have attached the Board <br />resolution, if required. <br />Dateo7d <br />�A�!/lI2lt <br />Signatur of Cler <br />Bus ess Phone <br />WARNING: 7his document must be fully completed, cerkfted by the relief association officers, certified by the municipal clerk and filed with the Oil= <br />of State Auditor reporting form as required by Minn. Stat. §69.771. subd. 3. Failure to file this document, whether or not a municipal contribution <br />is due, will result in inehl iflbility of state fire aid, as required by Minnesota state law. <br />Page 5 <br />