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JAMES A. BUELOW <br />August 11, 1995 <br />Mayor Wyn John <br />City Hall - Lake Elmo <br />3800 Laverne Ave N <br />Lake Elmo MN 55042 <br />Dear Mayor John: <br />This letter is in response to the letter received by the <br />Lake Elmo City Council from Mrs. Susan Dunn dated August 2, <br />1995. I would like to state for the record that Mrs. Dunn <br />is not correct in her statement that I am angry with Lake <br />Elmo and its past .treatment of my request to the city <br />regarding a lot in the Beau Haven Subdivision on Stillwater <br />Road which I previously owned. It is obvious Mrs. Dunn <br />disagrees with my decision to levy an ad valorem tax evenly <br />over the entire watershed district. I feel her attitude <br />regarding my.ability to serve objectively as a watershed <br />manager are biased and unfair. <br />It is my desire to represent the district in a fair manner <br />and should any occasion arise where I may be involved in <br />a development within the watershed, I will abstain from voting. <br />Sincerely <br />(ge's A Buelow <br />JAB/kb <br />CC: Peter Zetterberg <br />104 N. Main, Stillwater, Minnesota 55082 <br />(612) 439-7871 <br />