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08-29-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-29-95 CCM
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M/S/ DeLapp/Johnston - to request the staff prepare the first steps to putting together a <br />comprehensive plan amendment and subsequently the necessary city policies and <br />regulations that would be applicable to our adding to zoning ordinances on the <br />clustering land use concept based on favorable reaction from the City Council and <br />Planning Commission at the August 28th meeting. <br />Council member Conlin pointed out there wasn't a motion made by the Planning <br />Commission, but at least one commissioner wanted a representative from the Land <br />Trust to talk to them in order to put them more at rest that you can keep the outlot as <br />open space. She would like to wait on the motion until they receive a Planning <br />Commission recommendation. <br />Councilman Hunt stated the 3.33 acres were picked out of the air as a political <br />compromise and this has worked out well. The Council should look at some of the <br />bonus situations, be flexible and look at all sides and proceed ahead. <br />Councilman DeLapp had a conflict in defining the bonus. He is not sure that 3.33 acres <br />is the magical number that makes sense for development, but it did protect our borders. <br />M/S/P Hunt/Conlin - to postpone consideration of the motion until the September 19th <br />City Council meeting, which is the first meeting after the Planning Commission meets, <br />subject to a recommendation on the Cluster Land Use Policy from the Planning <br />Commission. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />1996 BUDGET (Continued discussion) <br />Councilman DeLapp voiced his concern on installing street lights throughout the City <br />where needed, such as by the elementary school or obscure places where they is <br />hardly any traffic and could be used as security lighting. Administrator Kueffner <br />explained street lights and MSA Funds are addressed in the new assessment policy <br />she is working on. <br />Page 4: Civil Defense Siren $7,000, Do not purchase the siren until we know where it <br />will be located. <br />At the September 5th Council meeting, the Finance Director will bring the 1996 budget, <br />composed of the changes discussed, to the Council. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Hunt - to adjourn the workshop at 6:35 p.m. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />
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