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Councilman Hunt voiced concerns from the MAC on some of our reserve funds for <br />capital equipment. Are we putting away enough money? How much money is costing <br />the city each year for each department? <br />Page 4: <br />Discussion on Compost Facility Program: Will we have a compost site and where <br />will it be located. The $10,000 was left in budget <br />Clean -Up Days: Cost has gone up considerably. Questions raised on what is made on <br />salvage, is the City loosing an opportunity to make money or is Mr. Olinger doing us a <br />service. Now, Mr. Olinger hauls it away and he sells it. Banister said this has been <br />done for years. Carl Tacke has looked into this and will gave an update. There was a <br />suggestion made to limit the number of tires. Banister pointed out the budget figure <br />does not include getting rid of appliances. The Council has to resolve location of clean- <br />up day in 1996 because the city has to be off the existing site and do not know if there <br />will there be enough room on the existing maintenance site. This item will be referred <br />to the Solid Waste Advisory Committee. <br />Parks -Park Reserve Delete $5,000 <br />Page 5: <br />Public Works: Maintenance Foreman Dan Olinger requested an additional $2,000 for <br />part-time snowplowing. The Council felt that just because they have additional <br />equipment doesn't mean they have to hire a person to run it. The bobcat should be <br />used by all the workers. <br />Other Additions: Youth Service Bureau, Family Violence, Community Vol. Service - <br />Amounts were left as -is. <br />Payroll: Council agreed to the 5.1 % Increase in staff salaries. <br />Acting Mayor Johnston arrived at 5:35 p.m. and the Council proceeded to discuss <br />agenda item on clustering. <br />2. Memo from City Planner on Cluster Land Use Policy <br />In the memo dated August 29,1995, Planner Terwedo explained that at the August 28th <br />meeting, the Council and Planning Commission discussed the pros and cons as to <br />whether or not city should approach this type of land use policy. There seemed to be a <br />positive response to the broad idea of clustering. The density issue is the biggest <br />hurdle which will need to be resolved. The meeting was adjourned before she would <br />get a clear direction as to whether or not the City would like to further pursue the <br />clustering concept. <br />