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To: Lake Elmo City Council <br />From: Wyn John <br />Subject Vashington County Landfill No 1 Negotiations <br />Date: September 10, 1995 <br />cc Lake Elmo City Administrator <br />Lake Elmo City Attorney <br />Lake Elmo City Engineer <br />Our original negotiations with Washington and Ramsey Counties, and our claim for <br />$680,000 compensation was based on the understanding that the MPCA was firm in its <br />declaration that no modification or extension of the buildings and associated land for <br />maintenance would be permitted, and that following the agreement, all liabilities by the <br />Counties for the site would cease. <br />Subsequent discussions indicate that this is not exactly so. Modification of the buildings <br />was meant to be extension of the buildings towards the landfill. Internal modifications such as erection of partition walls etc., would be acceptable. The intermittent <br />encroachment of the landfill area for purposes of equipment access to the pole barn would <br />also be permitted, as long as there was no interference with IVIPCA activities in capping <br />the landfill. Unofficial discussions between Mary Hauser and Steve DeLapp indicate that <br />"Washington County would aid Lake Elmo in the event that a long term health problem <br />was still found to exist at the site." [This is my understanding of Steve's comment which <br />will require more than a verbal commitment to be valid. W.M.J.] <br />Mary Kueffner has been told by Jim Schugg that Washington County recorded the contract <br />for deed so that the whole area purchased for $75,000 now belongs to Lake Elmo. In <br />addition he felt that he could get agreement from the Counties to increase their offer of <br />$150,000 to $213,000 by eliminating the arbitrary 50% split in the written down value of the <br />maintenance buildings. <br />So, the current scenario is as follows: <br />Lake Elmo owns 110 acres of land, of which 63.5 acres is needed by the MPCA for their <br />capping program. The remaining land will remain in Lake Elmo for use as a park (as <br />originally intended) and for a City building location. <br />Compensation for the 63.5 acres and the vacated fire station, totaling $213,000, will be <br />provided by Washington and Ramsey Counties. If $13,000 are attributed to fire station <br />improvements, then the compensation for the land fill becomes equivalent to $3,150 per <br />acre. $680,000 for the 63.5 acres places the land value above residential acreage costs. <br />I propose the following agreement and plan: <br />1. Lake Elmo retains the parkland, maintenance site and buildings. <br />2. 3 bays in the maintenance building are converted to 2 fire hall bays and one ambulance <br />bay (paid for by Lakeview Hospital). <br />3. Cooking facilities and a cafeteria seating -area (plus offices if needed) are added to the <br />maintenance building. <br />