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4. The pole barn storage area is retained for park equipment storage area at no cost. The <br />MPCA has agreed to permit space for access and egress to this building for equipment. <br />5. The maintenance building would house fire and ambulance equipment and office space <br />for the Parks Department. <br />6. A new site for the maintenance area, outside material storage, the compost site and <br />additional space for expansion should be purchased. Say 15 acres at $8,000 per acre will cost <br />$120,000, $135,000 at $9,000 per acre. <br />7. Allow $50,000 for 2) and 3) above. <br />S. If a new maintenance building costs approximately $310,000, then $282,000 will need <br />funding by a bond, or the building leased via HRA funds. This ignores any contribution <br />from Lakeview for the ambulance bay. <br />9. The long term title to the MPCA site reverts to Lake Elmo for use as a passive park and <br />nature reserve. <br />To summarize the costs: <br />Modification of maintenance building $50,000 <br />Purchase of new site $135,000 <br />New maintenance building $310,000 <br />Total outlay $495,000 <br />.Less: Money received from Washington County $213,000 <br />Total to be funded $282,000 <br />This is a very quick analysis, and many more details may change the costs. But with your <br />support we can move this problem along and at least receive some compensation. My <br />worry is that, from Jerry Filla's analysis, the City could be considered a knowing party and <br />end up with nothing. What I propose will at least keep faith with our concerns, and result <br />in an improvement in City services. <br />