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11-07-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-07-95 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 7, 1995 3 <br />D. Dave & Mary Schwarz, 10961 31st St. N; Request for Council reconsideration of variance request <br />The Schwarz' have sent each council member a letter asking for reconsideration of their request for a <br />variance to allow them to construct an addition to their existing home Dave Schwarz asked the council to <br />reconsider their variance request because he was given the indication before the last council meeting that <br />his application for a variance would meet with approval. An additional staff report was prepared using <br />the criteria for a hardship as a basis for denial. The Schwarz' feel they were not given adequate time to <br />prepare an explanation of the hardship. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Hunt - to direct the staff to prepare a public hearing of this request which includes <br />notification of property owners affected. Further, that the staff prepare a summation of similar variance <br />requests that have been considered by the Council. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Attorney Filla pointed out the applicant should not leave with the impression that if there has been five <br />similar variances granted by the city that means this variance needs to be granted. The city considers <br />each request on their own merits on the basis of hardship as opposed to how many similar variances <br />have been granted in the past. Granting similar variances in the past does not compel the city to grant a <br />variance unless there is a justified hardship. <br />E. George & Katie Dege: Request to amend code to allow wind generators in Agricultural zoning <br />districts <br />George and Katie Dege are requesting the Council to allow a 15' diameter wind generator on top of a <br />pole 85' tall on one of the rolling hills on their property at 5193 Keats Avenue which would supply some of <br />their energy as well as reduce waste and pollution. Pictures and information on design were submitted. <br />Section 301.120 of our Code states: "Antenna and wind generator towers shall not exceed 65' in height". <br />Administrator Kueffner checked the Washington County ordinance to see how they dealt with this type of <br />request because there is a wind generator at Park Nursery located north of Highway 36. The County's <br />ordinance was made to require a conditional use permit for towers/antennas between 45' and 100'. A <br />copy of the County ordinance was provided. <br />WS/P Hunt/DeLapp - to direct the staff and Planning Commission to study wind generators that exceed <br />65' in height and come back with recommendations on restrictions or conditions on use. (Motion passed <br />5-0). <br />F. Recommendation to County Board for appointment of Dave Bucheck to Valley Branch Watershed <br />Board of Supervisors <br />Administrator Kueffner had informed the council that Gordon Moosbrugger was not reappointed to the <br />VBWD of Managers. West Lakeland now has two residents on the Board and has one application along <br />with another application from a resident in Baytown Township submitted to the County to fill the vacancy <br />created by Peter Zetterburg's resignation. The city received an application from Dave Bucheck and <br />Administrator Kueffner sent the application to the County Administrator with a request that Dr. Bucheck's <br />name be considered for appointment. Kueffner also asked the Cities of Oakdale, Woodbury and Afton to <br />support the legislation that each City appoint Its own representative to a Watershed rather than having <br />the County make appointments. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/John - to direct the City Administrator to send a letter to the Washington County Board of <br />Commissioners in strong support of Dr. Dave Bucheck's appointment to the VBWD. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />
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