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11-07-95 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-07-95 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 7, 1995 <br />G. Request from Animal Control Officer to Implement a "Potentially Dangerous Dog" ordinance <br />Mike Smith, A.C.O, is asking for council support with his efforts to Implement a "Potentially Dangerous <br />Dog" ordinance. The Council received copies of several ordinances obtained from other communities. <br />Administrator Kueffner supported Mike's efforts and asked that the council take this one step farther and <br />compare other ordinances with our dog and cat ordinance to see if other sections need updating. <br />M/S/P Conlin/Johnston - to direct the staff to prepare an ordinance and recommendation relating to <br />"Potentially Dangerous Dogs" as well as other regulations relating to dogs, cats, fish and have a draft <br />ordinance to the Council at its first meeting in December. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />H. Cable Television Offer <br />If you are not currently subscribing to cable, but would like to view: local community events, governmental <br />meetings, school district information, other local cable programming, call Meredith Cable at 483-9999 and <br />subscribe to Universal PEG Service. Universal PEG Service is installed free -of -charge (one outlet, <br />standard install of 200' or less) and there is no ongoing monthly fee if you have a cable -ready television. <br />This information will be in the next newsletter. <br />5. Consent Agenda- None <br />6. Unfinished Business -None <br />7. PARKS/MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT: <br />A. Recommendation from Parks Commission for Trail Improvements in Stonegate Trail (Parks) <br />In a memo dated November 3, 1955 to the Council, Mike Bouthilet reported the Parks Commissipn <br />requested that a 10 foot limerock trail be placed on the 20 foot easement through the Stonegate <br />development. The recommendation is based on a concern that as the development matures the trail <br />easement may lose its identity. Money ($10,665) for this project would come from Park Dedication <br />Funds. The Parks and Public Words Dept. are proposing to do the work. <br />M/S/P Johnston/John - to direct the staff to improve the trail in Stonegate per memo dated November 3, <br />1995 from Parks Supervisor, Mike Bouthilet, at a cost not to exceed $11,000 based on a favorable <br />recommendation from the Parks Commission. The funds for this improvement will betaken from the <br />Park Dedication Fund. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />B. Replacement of Heater at Parks Garage and Well House (Parks and Maintenance) <br />Mike Bouthilet provided quotes for a Reznor FE165 Unit Heater for the Parks Garage and recommended <br />purchasing the heater from Springborn Heating at a cost of $1,555.50. <br />At the October 23rd meeting, the MAC Committee reviewed the requests for furnace replacements and <br />found in both cases these units are over 30 years old and in poor shape. A motion was made to <br />recommend the purchase of new furnaces for both the Parks Garage and Well House as quoted by <br />Springborn Heating. <br />Quotes were provided for a Reznor FE50 Unit Heater for the Well House. Dan Olinger recommended <br />purchasing the heater from Springborn Heating at a cost of $1,063.00. <br />M/S/P DeLapp/John - to authorize the purchase of a Reznor FE165 Heater for the Parks Garage from <br />Springborn Heating at a cost of $1,555.50 based on a favorable review and recommendation from the <br />MAC. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />
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