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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 7, 1995 7 <br />9. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Request for letter of support from City of Oakdale relating to grant application for a Wellhead <br />Protection plan <br />M/S/P DeLapp/John - to send a letter of support to the City of Oakdale in their pursuit of a Clean Water <br />Partnership Grant for the preparation of a Well Head Protection Plan, offer any available information the <br />City might have, designate Larry Bohrer as the contact person for any requests for that kind of <br />information and request the city be updated on any involvement of Lake Elmo geographical area in their <br />plan. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />B. "Anna's Grove" (Oakdale Subdivision) Wetland Mitigation:How will it affect Lake Elmo <br />Mayor John has asked Larry Bohrer to review this proposed development and report to the Council any <br />perceived negative impacts may have on Lake Elmo. Bohrer provided a copy of a report from Barr <br />Engineering Co., dated October 23,1995, on Anna's Grove (Permit 95-8) Valley Branch Watershed <br />District, Oakdale, Minnesota. <br />Bohrer pointed out in the latest edition of the VBWD Overall Plan states on page 3-28---- VBWD will <br />require that the rate of stormwater runoff be held to pre -development rates at community boundaries." <br />This was pointed out in the Barr staff report. The staff report also concludes that the developed rates of <br />runoff will likely exceed pre -development rates of runoff for all events except the infrequent 100 year <br />event. Since there is also a staff list of suggested conditions of approval, the Council could only deduce <br />that the VBWD Managers are considering approval without resolving the basic issue that this subdivision <br />will violate VBWD rules. <br />Oakdale has a Surface Water Management Plan which was approved by the VBWD in 1991. The council <br />understands that the Oakdale plan requires developments to control runoff for the 100 year event. There <br />is no requirement to control the runoff from more frequent events as the VBWD Plan requires. This <br />development may meet the requirements of the Oakdale Plan, but does not meet the requirement of the <br />VBWD plan. <br />The Council asked that this development not be approved until all requirements of the VBWD can be met. <br />Watershed districts are given authority In the law to regulate surface water which impacts more than one <br />community because an individual community has no authority in the law over another community. Lake <br />Elmo Is relying on the VBWD to protect it from impacts due to increased runoff rate from other <br />communities. <br />M/S/P John/DeLapp - to instruct the City Engineer to send a letter to the VBWD pointing out problems in <br />relation to this proposal (Anna's Grove) in terms of increasing the rate of flow of water through Eagle <br />Point Creek into Lake Elmo such that they have to create a holding pond to control the runoff and that <br />rate of stormwater runoff be held to pre -development rates at community boundaries. (Motion passed 4- <br />0). <br />Council members Johnston and/or DeLapp will attend the VBWD meeting on Thursday and read Larry <br />Bohrer's letter into record. <br />10. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: ' <br />Attorney Filla provided a DRAFT resolution relating to the Washington County Landfill and recommended <br />the Council authorize the Mayor and City Administrator to execute <br />M/S/P DeLapp/Johnston - to adopt Resolution No. 95-54, A Resolution relating to the Washington County <br />Landfill. (Motion passed 4-0). <br />