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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 21, 1996 4 <br />MIS/P Hunt/Conlin - that the City Council acting as fence viewers finds that a fence is required for the refereed <br />property, a fence shall be constructed, the fence shall be constructed on the common property line, the property <br />line will be surveyed by a certified surveyor, the fence shall be constructed of poles and four (4) strands of wire - <br />the two bottom strands being non -barbed wire, the top two strands of barbed wire, that Mr. Meehan and Royal <br />Oaks Realty will have their choice of which section - East or West section of fence line they choose to fence and <br />they will notify Mr. Armstrong within 10 days from May 22, 1996, the fence will be constructed by November 1, <br />1996, unless an extension is requested at least 2 weeks prior to Nov. 1, 1996, the fence will be 48 inches high. <br />(Motion passed 5-0.) <br />City Attorney Fiila indicated, when asked by Council, that the notice of claim is a private matter between the two <br />property owners. <br />C. Clean-up Day <br />City Administrator Kueffner stated she met with Vasco Garbage Hauling, who proposed to hold Clean-up day for <br />the City. Administrator Kueffner contacted the Lake Elmo Baptist Church for use of their parking lot area for <br />clean-up day. Dates available are June 15 or June 22. Administrator Kueffner stated a cost estimate was <br />provided comparable to Oakdale Clean-up Day. Administrator Kueffner proposed a sticker sale of $10.00 to <br />defer the cost. Limiting tires was suggested. Dan Olinger suggested a deputy be on duty for traffic control. <br />Clean-up day will be held from 8:00 a.m. to Noon. <br />M/S/P John/Johnston - to hold Clean-up Day from 8 to Noon, on June 15 or 22, at Lake Elmo Baptist Church, at <br />a cost of $10 per Lake Elmo Resident, only, and permit a Washington County Deputy to be on duty for traffic <br />control, and staff to decide limit on tires and any appliances. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />Council member Conlin wanted to be assured the charge from Vasco will be based on a per dumpster cost and <br />not an hourly or daily cost, and that notice be in the Newsletter, and for it to be broadcast on cable as well to <br />notify the public. <br />D. Effective Meeting Procedures <br />MIS/P Hunt/Conlin - to call a special meeting of the City Council, and all City Commissions and Committees for <br />Saturday, July 13, 1996, and Saturday, August 10, 1996, from 9:00 a.m. until noon for a workshop on Effective <br />Meeting Procedures, and authorize staff to enter into an agreement with Jean Kastner. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />Council member Johnston cannot make the dates, therefore, the sessions will be video taped. <br />E. Set Date for Council/Solid Waste Advisory Committee Joint Meeting <br />M/S/P Johnston/Conlin - to call a joint meeting of the City Council and the Solid Waste Advisory Committee for <br />June 6, 1996, at 6:00 p.m. to discuss Organized Collection, and that discussion of Composting be included on <br />that meeting agenda. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />6. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. CSAH 13 Discussion on Assessments to benefiting property owners; call public hearing <br />City Engineer Larry Bohrer was previously directed to prepare a sample assessment roll based upon strict <br />application of the newly adopted assessment policy. The new assessment policy did not define "Front" or the <br />"Front of the Lot" for assessment purposes. The City Code's definition of "front" states to use the short side of <br />the lot. Administrator Kueffner explained that was not the intent of the policy; the intent was to not split <br />assessments on corner lots --that a corner lot pays one assessment and that would be on the "address" side of <br />the Lot. . <br />