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05-21-96 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-21-96 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 21, 1996 5 <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston - to approve the amendment to the Lake Elmo assessment policy to include a definition of <br />"front of lot". (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />Larry Bohrer explained the assessment policy states the abutting property shall be assessed based on zoning <br />category, and the Council will set the appropriate rate for each zoning category. These rates shall be equal <br />throughout the City independent of project scope. It does not appear there will be another street reconstruction <br />project in the City this year. The assessment rates for overlay projects can be different than those for <br />reconstruction projects. The Council adopted the following rates for 1996 Reconstruction Projects: R-1 - $1,000 <br />per lot, RE - $1200 per lot, and RR - $1400 per lot. <br />Assessed Amount: R-1 7 lots ® $1,000 <br />= $7,000 <br />RE 4lots 0 $1,200 <br />$4,800 <br />RR 4lots 0 $1,400 <br />$6,600 <br />TOTAL Amount Assessed <br />$17,400 <br />M/S/P Hunt/Johnston - to approve the assessment rate for 1996 reconstruction projects as outlined in the City <br />Engineer's memo dated May 17, 1996. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />The County has reminded the City that the final cost ($37,043.43) is still subject to some variation due to final <br />construction cost. The City has applied for qualification for use of Municipal State Aid (MSA) funds for its share. <br />The estimated MSA funds available for this project is $15,537.00. <br />Financing Plan: Amount Assessed $17,400.00 <br />MSA FUND $15,537.00 <br />Infrastructure Repair Fund $ 4,106.45 <br />The assessment rates and financing plan were acceptable to the Council and an Improvement Hearing was <br />called for June 18,1996. <br />M/S/P Hunt/DeLapp - to direct the staff to call a CSAH 13 (Inwood Avenue) Improvement Hearing for June 18, <br />1996. (Motion passed 5-0.) <br />B. Update on CSAH 13 Construction Schedule <br />City Engineer Bohrer advised the Council that Arnt Construction proposes to start construction on CSAH13 the <br />second week in June, at the North end and work towards the south. Arnt will bring in sand as they dig sections <br />as to not leave huge drop-offs. The construction will extend past Labor Day, however, the first layer of <br />bituminous will be laid by the beginning of the school year. The road will be closed to through traffic - which <br />means area residents only, and will be enforced 9 need be. The work schedule is proposed to be 10 hours per <br />day, Monday through Friday. The Council directed Mr. Bohrer to investigate the "stake" placement, as some <br />stakes look as though they are too far into the Regional Park and Eberhard's property. <br />C. Update on Valley Branch Project <br />City Engineer Bohrer reported progress has been made with the contractor as far as complying with the <br />specifications in the contract. Street grading and restoration follow the pipe laying unit so that the pipe laying <br />doesn't get more than 300' in advance before they start restoring the road. The restoration begins at the east end <br />on Wednesday of this week. Bohrer has insisted that the project be patrolled by contractors personnel twice a day <br />on weekends. Dan Olinger has a list of after hour contact names and telephone numbers. Density depths were <br />taken, but he has not received results. Jeff Stanway, 8455 Lake Jane Trail, voiced his concern on public safety <br />and traffic maintenance. In the contract there is a sentence that states in all cases the contractor shall provide <br />and maintain vehicle access to all homes, Stanway asked why that is not being enforced. Attorney Filla advised <br />this is a project between VBWD and the contractor constructed within a City street, but the primary responsible <br />
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